
How to set cookie in Python Flask?

How to set cookie in Python Flask? Question: In this way, I want to set my cookie. But it fails to set. @app.route(‘/’) def index(): res = flask.make_response() res.set_cookie(“name”, value=”I am cookie”) When I print res it shows <Response 0 bytes [200 OK] But not set cookie Asked By: Shaon shaonty || Source Answers: You …

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Generating signed session cookie value used in Flask

Generating signed session cookie value used in Flask Question: I’m proxying a Flask server with another Flask server that needs to inject items into the session. Both servers have the same secret key so the cryptographic signature will be the same. When using Flask and a session, the http response contains a Set-Cookie header with …

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Passing cookies while logging in

Passing cookies while logging in Question: I would like to integrate python Selenium and Requests modules to authenticate on a website. I am using the following code: import requests from selenium import webdriver driver = webdriver.Firefox() url = "some_url" #a redirect to a login page occurs driver.get(url) #the login page is displayed #making a persistent …

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Flask permanent session: where to define them?

Flask permanent session: where to define them? Question: By default, Flask uses volatile sessions, which means the session cookie is set to expire when browser closes. In order to use permanent sessions, which will use a cookie with a defined expiration date, one should set session.permanent = True, as is mentioned in this question., and …

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How to bypass cloudflare bot/ddos protection in Scrapy?

How to bypass cloudflare bot/ddos protection in Scrapy? Question: I used to scrape e-commerce webpage occasionally to get product prices information. I have not used the scraper built using Scrapy in a while and yesterday was trying to use it – I run into a problem with bot protection. It is using CloudFlare’s DDOS protection …

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Converting cookie string into Python dict

Converting cookie string into Python dict Question: In Fiddler, I captured an HTTPS request with the following cookie string sent from the client (visible in Inspectors > Raw): Cookie: devicePixelRatio=1; ident=exists; __utma=13103r6942.2918; __utmc=13103656942; __utmz=13105942.1.1.1.utmcsr=google|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=(not%20provided); mp_3cb27825a6612988r46d00tinct_id%22%3A%201752338%2C%22%24initial_referrer%22%3A%20%22https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pion_created_at%22%3A%20%222015-08-03%22%2C%22platform%22%3A%20%22web%22%2C%%22%3A%20%%22%7D; t_session=BAh7DUkiD3Nlc3NpbWVfZV9uYW1lBjsARkkiH1BhY2lmaWMgVGltZSAoVVMgJiBDYW5hZGEpBjsAVEkiFXNpZ25pbl9wZXJzb25faWQGOwBGaQMSvRpJIhRsYXN0X2xvZ2luX2RhdGUGOwBGVTogQWN0aXZlU3VwcG9ydDo6VGltZVdpdGhab25lWwhJdToJVGltZQ2T3RzAAABA7QY6CXpvbmVJIghVVEMGOwBUSSIfUGFjaWZpZWRfZGFzaGJvYXJkX21lc3NhZ2UGOwBGVA%3D%3D–6ce6ef4bd6bc1a469164b6740e7571c754b31cca I’d like to use this cookie in a Python Requests request. (I modified the cookie slightly, so that it …

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flask Set Cookie for every response

flask Set Cookie for every response Question: I use flask session in my app. In one of my handler I set session value and no session set in other handlers. But I found that in every response there is a http header: Set Cookie exists. Why does that happen? app = Flask(__name__) app.secret_key = r”A0Zr98j/3yX …

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How to scrape a website that requires login first with Python

How to scrape a website that requires login first with Python Question: First of all, I think it’s worth saying that, I know there are a bunch of similar questions but NONE of them works for me… I’m a newbie on Python, html and web scraper. I’m trying to scrape user information from a website …

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Internal Server Error when using Flask session

Internal Server Error when using Flask session Question: I want to save an ID between requests, using Flask session cookie, but I’m getting an Internal Server Error as result, when I perform a request. I prototyped a simple Flask app for demonstrating my problem: #!/usr/bin/env python from flask import Flask, session app = Flask(__name__) @app.route(‘/’) …

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Flask: How to remove cookies?

Flask: How to remove cookies? Question: I set cookies with the code suggested in the docs: from flask import make_response @app.route(‘/’) def index(): resp = make_response(render_template(…)) resp.set_cookie(‘username’, ‘the username’) return resp But how do I remove them? There is no remove_cookie method. I tried: if request.cookies.get(‘sessionID’); request.cookies.pop(‘sessionID’, None) but it turns out that the request.cookies …

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