
Python: Need help solving this problem using two pointers method

Python: Need help solving this problem using two pointers method Question: I’m currently practicing coding problems and found this problem called "Successful Pairs of Spells and Potions", the problem describtion is as follows; You are given two positive integer arrays spells and potions, of length n and m respectively, where spells[i] represents the strength of …

Total answers: 1

Nothing is coming up on my console on replit

Nothing is coming up on my console on replit Question: enter image description here this shows a visual image of the code Asked By: kim || Source Answers: This is not a syntax error. Simply, your problem is that you never actually called the start() function after defining it. After you def start(): , try …

Total answers: 2

Exception has occurred: ImportError Vscode While Debugging

Exception has occurred: ImportError Vscode While Debugging Question: I am trying to try the debug tool in my vs code I am totally new to vs code and I am getting an error such as this when I run it ERROR MESSAGE I have a folder called .vscode with a launch.json file ` "version": "0.2.0", …

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VSCode: unable to debug Python code in Docker containers based on NVIDA `` images

VSCode: unable to debug Python code in Docker containers based on NVIDA `` images Question: First I will explain how I usually proceed for debugging Python code using a Python interpreter from a Docker container. This always worked out without any problems, except images and probably other tags as well. When debugging Python code …

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Python: Show content of hidden parameters for debugging

Python: Show content of hidden parameters for debugging Question: my core question is: how can I visualize hidden parameters of a class for debugging? I’m using spyder 3.6 for coding and have e.g. this test code: class ExampleClass(): def __init__(self, number): self.__hiddenVar = number self.visibleVar = number print(str(self.__hiddenVar ) + ‘at init’) def plus_2_times_4(x): return(4*(x …

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How to debug Python 2.7 code with VS Code?

How to debug Python 2.7 code with VS Code? Question: For work I have to use the 2.7 version of Python, it’s my only choice. So I’m trying to use VS Code as an IDE, I managed to set my interpreter correctly, but when I use the "debug my python file" function in VS Code, …

Total answers: 1 Editor on Jupyter : pdb.set_trace raises BdbQuit Error Editor on Jupyter : pdb.set_trace raises BdbQuit Error Question: Using my project (v13.0.2) > EDITOR-Tab , which redirects me to, when i want to debug using import pdb; pdb.set_trace(), it raises a BdbQuit Error : File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 113, in dispatch_exception if self.quitting: raise BdbQuit In the past versions :, i …

Total answers: 1