
Pyglet working only with installed fonts?

Pyglet working only with installed fonts? Question: This program uses Tkinter and I’m trying to display text using a custom font that is not installed on my Windows machine, since other users certainly will not have this font installed as well.. I’ve tried to use pyglet but it only works when the font is installed.. …

Total answers: 1

How can i create a button that creates another button with a link?

How can i create a button that creates another button with a link? Question: i’m trying to make a desktop assistant in python that has some buttons that shortcut me some things. But i can’t figure out how to make a button that creates another button with the url i need. There is the code …

Total answers: 1

Python on Electron framework

Python on Electron framework Question: I am trying to write a cross-platform desktop app using web technologies (HTML5, CSS, and JS). I took a look at some frameworks and decided to use the Electron framework. I’ve already done the app in Python, so I want to know if is possible to write cross-platform desktop applications …

Total answers: 6

How to build a SystemTray app for Windows?

How to build a SystemTray app for Windows? Question: I usually work on a Linux system, but I have a situation where I need to write a client app that would run on windows as a service. Can someone help me or direct, on how to build a system tray app (for example like dropbox) …

Total answers: 5

How do I store desktop application data in a cross platform way for python?

How do I store desktop application data in a cross platform way for python? Question: I have a python desktop application that needs to store user data. On Windows, this is usually in %USERPROFILE%Application DataAppName, on OSX it’s usually ~/Library/Application Support/AppName/, and on other *nixes it’s usually ~/.appname/. There exists a function in the standard …

Total answers: 4