
Running multiple scripts in sequence in Python

Running multiple scripts in sequence in Python Question: I am running multiple scripts in sequence according to the list I and the following executable. However, when one of the script in folder (say, 2) runs into an error, it terminates instead of moving to folder 3. Basically I want the executable to move onto the …

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Can't make executable file from eel app in python

Can't make executable file from eel app in python Question: When I try to create an executable with auto_py_to_exe it builds fine, but when I run it it throws an error: Failed to execute script ‘main’ due to unhandled exception: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘write’ Traceback (most recent call last): File "main.py", line 1, …

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Running executables concurrently in Python

Running executables concurrently in Python Question: I have 3 folders, namely, 1, 2, 3 each with the following executable. How can I run all of them concurrently at once? exec(open("Test.py").read()) Asked By: user19977266 || Source Answers: Since you want to run these .py files as separate processes, you should be able to execute them via …

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Running a python program from a hotkey in kubuntu 22.04?

Running a python program from a hotkey in kubuntu 22.04? Question: I have a python program that can be executed by navigating to the folder it is located in using cd, and using the python3 main.py command. Is there any way I can assign a hotkey to run this program, or at least open console, …

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How to make a executable file in python?

How to make an executable file? Question: Code for the background image of the GUI : bg = PhotoImage(file=’images/all_button.png’) lbl_bg = Label(root, image=bg) lbl_bg.place(x=0, y=0, relwidth=1, relheight=1) Error Traceback (most recent call last): File "finalbilling.py", line 14, in <module> File "tkinter__init__.py", line 4061, in __init__ File "tkinter__init__.py", line 4006, in __init__ _tkinter.TclError: couldn’t open "images/all_button.png": …

Total answers: 3

Creating a standalone macOS application with Python and py2app

Creating a standalone macOS application with Python and py2app Question: I want to create a standalone app which can be used globally on other Macs other than mine. I followed the tutorial from this page: https://www.metachris.com/2015/11/create-standalone-mac-os-x-applications-with-python-and-py2app/ However after the Building for Deployment step is finished and i want to run the app in the dist …

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Pyinstaller onedir option – exe file outside the directory

Pyinstaller onedir option – exe file outside the directory Question: Recently I was experimenting with pyinstaller to create an executable file from my Python script. Everything works as expected. I tested two options: –onefile, which takes quite a long time (like 20-30sec) to start because it depacks everything into a temporary directory. The –onedir option …

Total answers: 5

pyinstaller command not found

pyinstaller command not found Question: I am using Ubuntu on VirtualBox. How do I add pyinstaller to the PATH? The issue is when I say pyinstaller file.py it says pyinstaller command not found It says it installed correctly, and according to other posts, I think it has, but I just can’t get it to work. …

Total answers: 6