
Could not find a working python interpreter. Unity, Firebase

Could not find a working python interpreter. Unity, Firebase Question: Could not find a working python interpreter. Please make sure one of the following is in your PATH: python python3 python3.8 python3.7 python2.7 python2 I installed python 3.10.4 Path is set in environment variables. Still not working. Asked By: Prathvi || Source Answers: It is …

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Firebase-Admin with AWS Lambda Python

Firebase-Admin with AWS Lambda Python Question: I am currently writing a Python server to deploy on AWS Lambda. I want to use the firebase-admin package to send notifications with FCM and read data from cloud firestore. however when I try deploying my function to AWS Lambda with the .zip file archives, I get this error …

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Howto write a python-based firebase https function?

Howto write a python-based firebase https function? Question: I would like to call a backend function from my mobile app. However this backend function shall be written in python. This function shall be directly callable from my mobile app, it shall access firebase, do some computations and return the result (Ideally, only if the user …

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HTTP trigger Cloud Function in Flutter web

HTTP trigger Cloud Function in Flutter web Question: I am trying to call a HTTP trigger Cloud Function from Flutter. I keep getting errors in the console while passing the parameters to the function. final HttpsCallable callable = CloudFunctions.instance.getHttpsCallable( functionName: ‘hello_world’, ); final HttpsCallableResult result = await <String, dynamic>{ ‘message’: ‘hello world!’, }, ); …

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I can't install install firebase-admin

I can't install install firebase-admin Question: I’ve got an error following: MacBook-Air:Firebase takeyuki$ python -m pip install –upgrade firebase-admin DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 will reach the end of its life on January 1st, 2020. Please upgrade your Python as Python 2.7 won’t be maintained after that date. A future version of pip will drop support for …

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Unity Firebase plugin Fails as (Error loading Python DLL: error code 14001)

Unity Firebase plugin Fails as (Error loading Python DLL: error code 14001) Question: I would like to use Firebase Analytics for my ANDROID game building in Unity. However, when I follow the document and instructions, during the google-services.json to google-services.xml operation, it fails and says: Generation of the Firebase Android resource file google-services.xml from Assets/google-services.json …

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Firebase cloud functions using Python?

Firebase cloud functions using Python? Question: We are using GCP’s Firebase with Firestore for a new mobile app we are developing. As part of this effort we need to deploy a number of cloud functions which will act as Firestore triggers for doing some back end processing. Our intention is to keep the deploys encapsulated …

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Get firestore collection size

Get firestore collection size Question: TL;DR Is there an API to get firestore collection size instead of us having to do so manually? So according to their docs, one can calculate the document size by identifying their datatypes. A sample code to illustrate the above is as follows: import datetime def calculate_doc_size(data): if isinstance(data, dict): …

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How to store Dataframe data to Firebase Storage?

How to store Dataframe data to Firebase Storage? Question: Given a pandas Dataframe which contains some data, what is the best to store this data to Firebase? Should I convert the Dataframe to a local file (e.g. .csv, .txt) and then upload it on Firebase Storage, or is it also possible to directly store the …

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Firestore updates using python api are not persisting

Firestore updates using python api are not persisting Question: I have the following code. from firebase_admin import firestore db = firestore.client() collection = db.collection(‘word_lists’) word_list = collection.get() for item in word_list: item_dict = item.to_dict() print item_dict[‘next_practice_date’] item.reference.update({‘next_practice_date’: 0.0}) When I run the code the first time everything is fine, no errors. The second time I …

Total answers: 2