
Does pyrogram support Finite State Machine or FSM for short

Does pyrogram support Finite State Machine or FSM for short Question: Good time of a day to you all! Short Question: Does pyrogram support FSM how it’s implemented in AIOGram? Long Question: I’m just searching for a telegram API wrapper other than AIOgram and PyTelegramBotApi and found this. I read documentation intro for Pyrogram and …

Total answers: 1

FSM – aiogram | How to get file?

FSM – aiogram | How to get file? Question: @dp.message_handler(text_contains=’Send file’) async def start_bots(msg): await bot.send_message(msg.from_user.id, ‘Ok, send me a file’) await HZ.getFile.set() @dp.message_handler(state=HZ.getFile) async def getID(msg: types.Message, state: FSMContext): file_id = msg.document.file_id file = await bot.get_file(file_id) file_path = file.file_path print(file_path) await state.finish() It doesn’t cares my file, how to download file when user sent …

Total answers: 1

Python state-machine design

Python state-machine design Question: Related to this Stack Overflow question (C state-machine design), could you Stack Overflow folks share your Python state-machine design techniques with me (and the community)? At the moment, I am going for an engine based on the following: class TrackInfoHandler(object): def __init__(self): self._state=”begin” self._acc=”” ## ================================== Event callbacks def startElement(self, name, attrs): self._dispatch((“startElement”, …

Total answers: 12