
yield + generator in python in class

yield + generator in python in class Question: I am very new in Python and I wanna create a generator object that yields two lists for Fibonacci sequence. First list of number and second list of fibonacci. The function define in the class. Before it I define fibonacci function as below: def fib(self, _n,) -> …

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Python recursive generator breaks when using list() and append() keywords

Python recursive generator breaks when using list() and append() keywords Question: I have only recently learned about coroutines using generators and tried to implement the concept in the following recursive function: def _recursive_nWay_generator(input: list, output={}): ”’ Helper function; used to generate parameter-value pairs to submit to the model for the simulation. Parameters ———- input : …

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How to get two synchronised generators from a function

How to get two synchronised generators from a function Question: i have a nested tuple like this one : this_one = (w,h,(1,2,4,8,16),(0,2,3,4,6),("0"),("0"),(0,1)) It will be used to feed: itertools.product(*this_one) w and h have to be both generators. Generated values from h depends on generated values from w as in this function: def This_Function(maxvalue): for i …

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`random.seed` doesn't work with generators

`random.seed` doesn't work with generators Question: I have a function that generates a sequence of random integers using random.randint. I also include a seed parameter for reproducibility. I noticed an odd behavior when I returned a generator object. Different calls with the same seed did not return the same result. However, when I returned a …

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Yield having different behavior when iterated

Yield having different behavior when iterated Question: I have the following function:: def f123(): lista = range(2) print("2: before yields") yield [lista, "A: yield"] print("- after yield A") yield [lista, "B: yield"] print("- after yield B") yield [lista, "C: yield"] print("- after yield C") From what I’ve researched, I can take advantage of my generator …

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Get functions from python generator

Get functions from python generator Question: I’m trying to learn more about generator functions in Python. To my knowledge, generator functions don’t fully return until there are no more yield calls, so a stack frame exists in the generator returned by the function. Stack frames should have references to a callable function, so my question …

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convert normal function to generator and keeping code structure

convert normal function to generator and keeping code structure Question: Generators are elegant and memory-efficient, so I’d like to convert normal functions producing sequences to generators. But I haven’t found an easy conversion method, by easy I mean it is best to be done automatically by some tools, maybe simple as string or regex replacement(return …

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l = list(map(lambda x: x+n, l)) what does this do

l = list(map(lambda x: x+n, l)) what does this do Question: l = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] print("list : ", l) n = int(input(‘N: ‘)) l = list(map(lambda x: x+n, l)) print("new list : ", l) l = list(map(lambda x: x+n, l)) how does this code works? Asked By: albert || Source Answers: lambda use to create function …

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Is the function "next" a good practice to find first occurrence in a iterable?

Is the function "next" a good practice to find first occurrence in a iterable? Question: I’ve learned about iterators and such and discovered this quite interesting way of getting the first element in a list that a condition is applied (and also with default value in case we don’t find it): first_occurence = next((x for …

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Is it possible to add the output of a generator when making a list in Python?

Is it possible to add the output of a generator when making a list in Python? Question: Is it possible to make a generator’s output be added into a list creation, without making a nested list in Python? I have tried the following code, but it only gives me a generator object, and not the …

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