
Avoid dupplicates with the yield keword?

Avoid duplicates with the yield keword? Question: Is it possible to avoid duplicates in a yield generator? For example def foo(): for i in (1,1,1,2,3,4,5): #check if "i" have not been "yielded" yet? yield i gen = foo() numbers = list(gen) print(numbers) >>>[1,2,3,4,5] numbers = list(gen) is cheating, the goal is to do it within …

Total answers: 1

Difference behaviour of a generator

Different behaviors of a generator Question: I created a generator as follow from textacy.extract.kwic import keyword_in_context test = keyword_in_context(‘this is a test. another test to see how’, keyword=’test’, window_width=5) print(test) # Out: <generator object keyword_in_context at 0x000001C21D033F20> But when I tried to iterate the generator test, it didn’t work as expected: it only printed out …

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Reset kernel with generator

Reset kernel with generator Question: Why my code with generator with any batch_sizes will reset and my Ram is going to fill import some important libraries import tensorflow as tf import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt load and some spliting data cifar10_data = tf.keras.datasets.cifar10 (train_images, train_labels), (test_images, test_labels) = cifar10_data.load_data() CLASS_NAMES= [‘airplane’, ‘automobile’, …

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Why does generator yield value after loop

Why does generator yield value after loop Question: I’ve been learning how send method and yield assignment work in generator and met a problem: def gen(): for i in range(5): x = yield i print(x) s = gen() print(next(s)) print(s.send(15)) output: 0 #after print(next(s)) 15 1 so it prints 15 and 1 after print(s.send(15)). It …

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How do I save ALL generated date to .txt file and not only the last one?

How do I save ALL generated date to .txt file and not only the last one? Question: I’m trying to get all the passwords that are generated to be saved to a .txt file. The code below is basically what my code looks like because this is the sample code it was based off of. …

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Is there a danger in letting a generator run for a very long time?

Is there a danger in letting a generator run for a very long time? Question: I am designing code to run certain enumeration simulations. I’ll put the code at the end, but I don’t think my question really should concern the details of this program. In principle I think my question could apply just as …

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Generator that produces sequence 0,1,2,3,

Generator that produces sequence 0,1,2,3, Question: Does Python provide a function that generates the endless sequence 0,1,2,3,… ? It is easy to implement it: def gen_range(): count = 0 while True: yield count count = count + 1 But I suppose, this exists already in Python. Asked By: habrewning || Source Answers: Yes it does. …

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Why does a list of generators only return the elements of the last generator?

Why does a list of generators only return the elements of the last generator? Question: I’m given an arbitrary list of objects (e.g. [‘foo’, ‘bar’]). My goal is to produce a list of equal size where every element in the result list is a generator that repeats the respective input element 5 times. This is …

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