
How to use poetry in Google Colab?

How to use poetry in Google Colab? Question: Context I am currently working on a team project, where we need to train neural networks. Some members are working on their local computer, and some on Colab (for GPU usage). We need to have the same dependencies. I am already familiar in using poetry on a …

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Is there a method to run an Anaconda environment in Google Colab?

Is there a method to run an Anaconda environment in Google Colab? Question: I am having a YML file for a Conda environment that run with Python 3.8.15 (environment.yml). I am currently trying to load that file into my Google Colab, based on this answer: conda environment in google colab [google-colaboratory]. !wget -c !chmod …

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Increased amount of memory usage using Kera's fit() method

Increased amount of memory usage using Kera's fit() method Question: Using TF 2.11.0 with a GPU on Colab. I am getting an increased amount of system memory used per batch when let the fit() method run (This code only checks per epoch). This is a very basic CycleGAN class: import psutil import gc from keras.callbacks …

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Can't train model from checkpoint on Google Colab as session expires

Can't train model from checkpoint on Google Colab as session expires Question: I’m using Google Colab for finetuning a pre-trained model. I successfully preprocessed a dataset and created an instance of the Seq2SeqTrainer class: trainer = Seq2SeqTrainer( model, args, train_dataset=tokenized_datasets["train"], eval_dataset=tokenized_datasets["validation"], data_collator=data_collator, tokenizer=tokenizer, compute_metrics=compute_metrics ) The problem is training it from last checkpoint after the …

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Selenium in google colab stopped working showing an error as Service chromedriver unexpectedly exited. Status code was: 1

Selenium in google colab stopped working showing an error as Service chromedriver unexpectedly exited. Status code was: 1 Question: Few hour ago my setup in google colab for selenium worked fine. Now it stopped working all of a sudden. This is a sample: !pip install selenium !apt-get update !apt install chromium-chromedriver from selenium import webdriver …

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How to solve Mismatch between hwloc headers and library, using v1 headers with v2 library on Collab?

How to solve Mismatch between hwloc headers and library, using v1 headers with v2 library on Collab? Question: I’ve been using Gromacs on google Colab for more than a year. I’ve install the Gromacs using this method, it worked pretty smoothly but last night when I ran the cell it, it showed some wired …

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Selenium on Colab: Wrong results from text extraction in Python

Selenium on Colab: Wrong results from text extraction in Python Question: When I am using Chromedriver in Python to scrape a certain website I only get wrong results if I am running the script via Colab. If I am using Spyder for example everything seems to work fine. It seems to me, that Selenium is …

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How can I improve my dataset for increased mAP in yolov4 object detection framework

How can I improve my dataset for increased mAP in yolov4 object detection framework Question: I want to use Yolov4 object detector to detect LED matrices like the one in the attached picture. The goal of my project is to perform automated RoI of these types of LED matrices in vehicular scenarios, mainly. Unfortunately, these …

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How to convert printed text to handwritten image using pywhatkit and opencv

How to convert printed text to handwritten image using pywhatkit and opencv Question: I have a printed text file input.txt I want to read each line from a txt file and convert it to handwritten format using any existing methods like pywhatkit package following this post Using Google Colab and Jupyter sample input text: …

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Midas disco diffusion – FileNotFoundError: No such file or directory: './externals/Next_ViT/classification/'

Midas disco diffusion – FileNotFoundError: No such file or directory: './externals/Next_ViT/classification/' Question: I am working on a new project and it shows an error when i run the Midas function. Below is the error log:- FileNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-39-1d47f7ced3c1> in <module> 1 #@title ### 1.4 Define Midas functions 2 —-> 3 from …

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