
Unable to decode Aztec barcode

Unable to decode Aztec barcode Question: I’m trying to decode an Aztec barcode using the following script: import zxing reader = zxing.BarCodeReader() barcode = reader.decode("test.png") print(barcode) Here is the input image: Following is the output: BarCode(raw=None, parsed=None, path=’/Users/dhiwatdg/Desktop/test.png’, format=None, type=None, points=None) I’m sure it a valid Aztec barcode. Not the script is not able to …

Total answers: 2

converting gray to RGB video python

converting gray to RGB video python Question: good afternoon everybody, i would like to convert video from gray format to color format, i am using as a reference two site, first one is itself stackoverflow question from rgb to gray and next is opencv site for cv::VideoWriter documentation, here it is cv::VideoWriter on the based …

Total answers: 2

How to convert the OpenCV GetPerpectiveTransform Matrix into a CSS Matrix?

How to convert the OpenCV GetPerpectiveTransform Matrix into a CSS Matrix? Question: I have a matrix from the Python Open-CV library: M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(source_points, points) But it is completely different from the CSS Transform Matrix Even though it has the same shape I think open-cv does some kind of other translations to x and y …

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Place multiple numpy arrays into a larger array

Place multiple numpy arrays into a larger array Question: I wish to create a large array and replace some of the values with two other arrays. Each assignment works independently but the second statement overrides the first. I wish to see both images in the background plot. import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt …

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Optimizing the speed of a python program that uses PyQt5 and images

Optimizing the speed of a python program that uses PyQt5 and images Question: I’m trying to create a python program that let me visualize a stylized fictional political map where each country is represented by pixel of a specific color. I’m using PyQt5 to create some kind of simple GUI that let me open the …

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Differentiate between feature detectors and descriptors

Differentiate between feature detectors and descriptors Question: I was solving my Image Processing – Features descriptors when I came across this problem. I could not understand the difference between image detectors and descriotors I tried googling but could not get any clear differences. Asked By: Arkodeep Koley || Source Answers: A feature detector merely finds …

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Removing watermark using opencv in python

Removing watermark using opencv in python Question: I have used OpenCV and Python to remove a watermark from an image using code below. import cv2 import numpy src = cv2.imread(‘src.jpg’) mask = cv2.imread(‘mask.jpg’) save = numpy.zeros(src.shape, numpy.uint8) for row in range(src.shape[0]): for col in range(src.shape[1]): for channel in range(src.shape[2]): if mask[row, col, channel] == 0: …

Total answers: 1

how to calculate mean of images in dataset

how to calculate mean of images in dataset Question: I Have data set contain 2060 image i want to calculate the mean and then (each image – mean) as normalization num_classes = 10 lable = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] X_data = [] Y_data = [] size = 100 #mean_sum = np.zeros((100,100)) #std_sum = np.zeros((100,100)) #print(mean_sum.shape) for file in …

Total answers: 1