
PyJWT validate custom claims

PyJWT validate custom claims Question: Been using authlib for a while and it has been real easy to validate both the existence of a claim but also its value. According to the example: claims_options = { "iss": { "essential": True, "value": "https://idp.example.com" }, "aud": { "essential": True, "value": "api1" }, "email": { "essential": True, "value": …

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TypeError: User() got unexpected keyword arguments: 'password2' : Django JWT Authentication

TypeError: User() got unexpected keyword arguments: 'password2' : Django JWT Authentication Question: I am trying to build a user authentication app using django JWT token, when i try to test my user authentication api and validate the password and password2 , it generate the following error: TypeError: User() got unexpected keyword arguments: ‘password2’ My serializers.py …

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PyJWT decoding showing error "The specified alg value is not allowed" for 'RS512' even if it is listed in supported algorithms

PyJWT decoding showing error "The specified alg value is not allowed" for 'RS512' even if it is listed in supported algorithms Question: I’m calling the decode function like that: payload = jwt.decode(token, cert[‘key’], algorithms=[‘RS512’], audience=aud, leeway=0, ) The error I m having: File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/jwt/api_jws.py", line 292, in _verify_signature raise InvalidAlgorithmError("The specified alg value is not …

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How to use a jwt.io provisioned token with jwcrypto?

How to use a jwt.io provisioned token with jwcrypto? Question: I am trying to use a jwt.io generated JWT within my python code using jwcrypto with some success. I am saying some success because I am able to retrieve the claims (the wrong way) without validating the signature. Here’s my code from jwcrypto import jwt, …

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Python request headers. error authenticating with JSON WEB TOKEN

Python request headers. error authenticating with JSON WEB TOKEN Question: I’m learning python by building a simple trading bot. I receive this error while trying to authenticate using a JWT { "error": { "status": 403, "message": "Authentication credentials were not provided." } } following the example here https://docs.ledgerx.com/reference/tradedcontracts import requests url = "https://api.ledgerx.com/trading/contracts/traded" headers = …

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Django Rest API JWT authentication – No active account found with the given credentials

Django Rest API JWT authentication – No active account found with the given credentials Question: I have a question concerning the Django Rest Framework JWT auth protocol. This issue has been coming up a lot but no suggested solution has worked for me yet. When I try this command: http post username=username password=password or …

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AWS ParallelCluster Graviton Rest API Connection Refused

AWS ParallelCluster Graviton Rest API Connection Refused Question: I am trying to follow a tutorial using AWS ParallelCluster (AWS Research Workshop) and once I get CloudFormation up and running, I cannot connect to the cluster via the Rest API. I am using Slurm 21.08.8 and ParallelCluster 3.1.4. I am able to SSH into the head …

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How to hit an API which is PingIdentity authenticated via Python requests?

How to hit an API which is PingIdentity authenticated via Python requests? Question: I have this API, something like this: https://baseurl.com/endpoint It is a GET API endpoint and has PingIdentity’s OIDC + Auth2.0 authentication & authorization (enabled at KONG API GATEWAY level) mechanism. The first time I hit this API via my browser, it redirects …

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Overriding simple-jwt's TokenObtainPairSerializer to implement 2FA

Overriding simple-jwt's TokenObtainPairSerializer to implement 2FA Question: I am currently trying to implement 2-Factor Authentication in my Django Application. The first thing I’ve done is to modify the Meta class in the UserSerializer class to add two fields enabled (indicates if 2FA is enabled for a user) and secret_key (the key to generate OTP, that …

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How to generate apple authorization token/client secret?

How to generate apple authorization token/client secret? Question: How can I generate an authorization code/client secret in python for apple sign in and device check? Asked By: ARR || Source Answers: First of all we need to generate a app specific p8 file (pem formatted private key) do the following for this: go to your …

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