
How to secure fastapi API endpoint with JWT Token based authorization?

How to secure fastapi API endpoint with JWT Token based authorization? Question: I am a little new to FastAPI in python. I am building an API backend framework that needs to have JWT token based authorization. Now, I know how to generate JWT tokens, but not sure how to integrate that with API methods in …

Total answers: 3

Trouble using bottle-jwt decorator (not works)

Trouble using bottle-jwt decorator (not works) Question: Having some trouble using this plugin https://github.com/agile4you/bottle-jwt/ It seems to not work as I expected, down below my code: import bottle from Py.engine import * from bottle_jwt import (JWTProviderPlugin, jwt_auth_required) class AuthBackend(object): user = {‘id’: 1237832, ‘username’: ‘pav’, ‘password’: ‘123’, ‘data’: {‘sex’: ‘male’, ‘active’: True}} def authenticate_user(self, username, …

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Could not deserialize key data on decoding JWT python

Could not deserialize key data on decoding JWT python Question: I am using pyjwt library for decoding the JWT token. I got this error when I am decoding. The code was given in the documantation. import jwt encoded_jwt=”’eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbG……”’ secret=b””—–BEGIN PUBLIC KEY—– MIIFRjCCBC6gAwIBAgIQCIdSGhpikQCjOIY154XoqzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADBN …… —–END PUBLIC KEY—–”’ print(jwt.decode(encoded_jwt, secret , algorithms=[‘RS256’])) raise ValueError(“Could not deserialize key …

Total answers: 12

Django Rest Framework JWT Unit Test

Django Rest Framework JWT Unit Test Question: I am using DRF with the JWT package for authentication. Now, I’m trying to write a unit test that authenticates itself with a JWT token. No matter how I try it, I can’t get the test API client to authenticate itself via JWT. If I do the same …

Total answers: 8

Standalone verification of Keycloak access-token

Standalone verification of Keycloak access-token Question: I am using Keycloak to handle login and generate JWT tokens. I need to be able to verify the access token that I’m sending to my REST API service. Best practice is to use the JWT secret to verify the token directly rather than send it to the Keycloak …

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How to delete a django JWT token?

How to delete a django JWT token? Question: I am using the Django rest framework JSON Web token API that is found here on github (https://github.com/GetBlimp/django-rest-framework-jwt/tree/master/). I can successfully create tokens and use them to call protected REST APis. However, there are certain cases where I would like to delete a specific token before its …

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JWT encrypting payload in python? (JWE)

JWT encrypting payload in python? (JWE) Question: According to RFC 7516 it should be possible to encrypt the payload/claim, called JWE. Are there any python libraries out there that support that? I’ve checked PyJWT, python-jose and jwcrypto but they all just have examples for signing with HS256 (JWS). Sorry if this is totally obvious, but …

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Should I use JWT or Basic Token authentication in Django Rest Framework?

Should I use JWT or Basic Token authentication in Django Rest Framework? Question: I’m about to implement Token Authentication in my API using Django Rest Framework. But I’m not sure if I should use the basic token build-in DRF or use the JSON Web Token (JWT) standard (using this package djangorestframework-jwt) The only reference that …

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