
How can I call scikit-learn classifiers from Java?

How can I call scikit-learn classifiers from Java? Question: I have a classifier that I trained using Python’s scikit-learn. How can I use the classifier from a Java program? Can I use Jython? Is there some way to save the classifier in Python and load it in Java? Is there some other way to use …

Total answers: 6

Programming Android apps in jython

Programming Android apps in jython Question: The other day I came across a Python implementation called Jython. With Jython you can write Java applications with Python and compile them to pure Java. I was wondering: Android programming is done with Java. So, is it possible to make Android apps with Jython? Asked By: mid_kid || …

Total answers: 7

What is the difference between Python vs Jython vs IronPython vs wxPython?

What is the difference between Python vs Jython vs IronPython vs wxPython? Question: I am quite new in Python programming. While googling I found some of the Python related words. I just wanted to know what is the difference among Python, Jython, IronPython, and wxPython. I know wxPython is for GUI programming. But what are …

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Calling Python in Java?

Calling Python in Java? Question: I am wondering if it is possible to call Python functions from Java code using Jython, or is it only for calling Java code from Python? Asked By: Shahab || Source Answers: You can call any language from java using Java Native Interface Answered By: nidhin Jython: Python for the …

Total answers: 13

How can I install various Python libraries in Jython?

How can I install various Python libraries in Jython? Question: I know that I can install Jython with Java and that I can use Jython where I use Python. The Jython shell is working fine. In Jython, how can I install libraries like lxml, Scrappy and BeautifulSoup that I’d normally install via pip or easy_install …

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Why is Jython much slower than CPython, despite the JVM's advances?

Why is Jython much slower than CPython, despite the JVM's advances? Question: No flame wars please. I am admittedly no fan of Java, but I consider the JVM to be a fairly decent and well-optimized virtual machine. It’s JIT-enabled and very close to the common denominator of the prevalent CPU architectures. I’d assume that the …

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Why does "as" cause a SyntaxError in an "except" statement in Jython 2.5?

Why does "as" cause a SyntaxError in an "except" statement in Jython 2.5? Question: I got the following syntax error at the following line when I run my program in jython: except Exception as detail: SyntaxError: mismatched input ‘as’ expecting COLON but on python is it ok? What is wrong? I am trying to use …

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When will Jython support Python 3?

When will Jython support Python 3? Question: According to Jython’s documentation: Jython is an implementation of the Python language for the Java platform. Jython 2.5 implements the same language as CPython 2.5, and nearly all of the Core Python standard library modules. (CPython is the C implementation of the Python language.) Jython 2.5 uses the …

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What is Jython and is it useful at all?

What is Jython and is it useful at all? Question: I know Python, but what is Jython? When will I need Jython? What are the drawbacks? I assume it is slow? Please detail it out! thanks. Asked By: TIMEX || Source Answers: Quoting Wikipedia: Jython, successor of JPython, is an implementation of the Python programming …

Total answers: 10

How can I make the PyDev editor selectively ignore errors?

How can I make the PyDev editor selectively ignore errors? Question: I’m using PyDev under Eclipse to write some Jython code. I’ve got numerous instances where I need to do something like this: import com.work.project.component.client.Interface.ISubInterface as ISubInterface The problem is that PyDev will always flag this as an error and say “Unresolved import: ISubInterface”. The …

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