
Django logger refuse to show full traceback in file message

Django logger refuse to show full traceback in file message Question: Currently, i’m setting up logging in Django following the document https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/topics/logging/ (I’m using Django 2.2 with python3.7) and Django rest framework. Here is my settings.py: # LOGGING LOGGING = { ‘version’: 1, ‘disable_existing_loggers’: False, ‘formatters’: { ‘simple’: { ‘format’: ‘{levelname} {asctime} {message}’, ‘style’: ‘{‘, …

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Python logging how to get message arguments

Python logging how to get message arguments Question: I want to catch the errormessage arguments and save them to the logfile. How do I do that? It works fine for the message, but the Arguments are a mystery. import logging import sys logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) #formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(name)-10s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s") formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s …

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Greengrass V2 generates extra `stdout` logs

Greengrass V2 generates extra `stdout` logs Question: I deploy greengrass components into my EC2 instance. The deploy greengrass components have been generating logs which wraps around my python log. what is causing the "wrapping" around it? how can I remove these wraps. For example, the logs in bold are wraps the original python log. The …

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Python's psycopg2 & logging: Logged at the DEBUG-level queries are recorded in bytes

Python's psycopg2 & logging: Logged at the DEBUG-level queries are recorded in bytes Question: I have connection to PostgreSQL database: LOGGER = Logger().LOGGER # … self.connection = psycopg2.connect(connection_factory=LoggingConnection, dbname=…, user=…, password=…, host=…, options="-c search_path=…") self.connection.initialize(LOGGER) self.cursor = self.connection.cursor() It’s Logger class: # some data _MODE = "w" _ENCODING = "utf-8" _FORMATTER = "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s [%(filename)s:%(lineno)s] …

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How to use a custom console logger for the entire application in Python?

How to use a custom console logger for the entire application in Python? Question: After reading the logging documentation of Python and several examples of how to customise the log format and output, I came to the conclusion that formatting can only be set for a single logger instance. But since all libraries in other …

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Python Logging: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'filename'

Python Logging: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'filename' Question: I’m trying to use the standard library logging module, using a config file to organise the loggers. I tried a simple setup like so: Config file: [loggers] keys=root,main,second [handlers] keys=consoleHandler, exportHandler [formatters] keys=simpleFormatter [logger_root] level=DEBUG handlers=consoleHandler [logger_main] level=DEBUG handlers=consoleHandler,exportHandler qualname=simpleExample propagate=0 [logger_second] level=DEBUG handlers=consoleHandler,exportHandler qualname=simpleExample …

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python logging config format

python logging config format Question: I am using the python logging module with a configuration file. It is working but I would like to change the format of the output string. Currently in the config file I have a line [formatter_fileFormatter] format=[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)-8s %(name)-12s %(message)s which gives me output like this [2022-12-14 11:21:50,247] INFO my_logger.mod1 …

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Is it possible add emoji to log in python

Is it possible add emoji to log in python Question: can we add emoji in our log report? i got the below error when i add an emoji UnicodeEncodeError: ‘charmap’ codec can’t encode character ‘u2795’ in position 75: character maps to <undefined> Call stack: File "c:UsersLukmanaDesktopuser_countusercount.py", line 121, in <module> logger.info("-Total count initiated-➕") Message: ‘-Total …

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Python logging perforamnce when level is higher

Python logging perforamnce when level is higher Question: One advantage of using logging in Python instead of print is that you can set the level of the logging. When debugging you could set the level to DEBUG and everything below will get printed. If you set the level to ERROR then only error messages will …

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Making tqdm write to log files

Making tqdm write to log files Question: tqdm is a nice python library to keep track of progress through an iterable. It’s default mode of operation is to repeatedly clear a line and redraw with a carriage but this produced quite nasty output when combined with logging. Is there a way I can get this …

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