
Logging levels dont work for debug and info

Logging levels dont work for debug and info Question: I use the following code in my __init__ class: # Create a custom logger self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Create handlers self.handler_cmdline = logging.StreamHandler() self.handler_file = logging.FileHandler(self.logfile) self.handler_cmdline.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.handler_file.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Create formatters and add it to handlers log_format = logging.Formatter(fmt=’%(asctime)s – %(name)s – %(<levelname)s – %(message)s’, datefmt=’%Y-%m-%d …

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How to log every error in file you get in cmd

How to log every error in file you get in cmd Question: I tried try catch block in my python script but my team lead wants to log every error which can occure i cannot write try catch every line do anyone know better way to do this? currently im using try catch and logger …

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Removing a specific logger object in python logging

Removing a specific logger object in python logging Question: I am trying to suppress all the elasticsearch logging from my output and keep all the other logging in my code. I have tried setting elasticsearch logging level to warning as it is explained here How to set the logging level for the elasticsearch library differently …

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How do I remove a handler from a loguru.logger when using pytest?

How do I remove a handler from a loguru.logger when using pytest? Question: I wrote a Thing class that does logging using loguru. At the bottom of the class file I add a handler to the logger. This is what thing.py looks like. from loguru import logger class Thing: def __init__(self): logger.info("Thing created") def __enter__(self): …

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How to get python logging output in shell script

How to get python logging output in shell script Question: I would want to get the stdout of the python file into shell script. I initially used print and it worked fine but it is not working for logging. ab.py import logging logger = logging.getLogger() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logging.info(‘2222222222222’) print("111111111111") cd.sh #/bin/bash set -e set -x communities=$(python3 …

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Python Logging Handler Filter Unable to Filter

Python Logging Handler Filter Unable to Filter Question: Log file contain many rows with the string "[websockets.client.read_frame:1152]" from websockets.client. I want to filter them out and tried the following code: class LoggingFilter(logging.Filter): def filter(self, record): def __init__(self): logging.Filter.__init__(self) needle = "[websockets.client.read_frame:1152]" if needle in record.msg: logger.debug(f"Needle {needle} found in haystack: {record}") return 0 return 1 …

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Log everything from every module except one third party module

Log everything from every module except one third party module Question: I have a main.py: import logging, sys logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, handlers=[logging.FileHandler("test.log"), logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)] ) # log everything to file and stdout logger = logging.getLogger("main") logger.info("hello main!") import thirdparty_module thirdpary_module.foo() import my_submodule1 which imports my_submodule1, my_submodule2 … my_submodule9 that log a few things in DEBUG: import logging …

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How to log uncaught exceptions in Flask routes with logging?

How to log uncaught exceptions in Flask routes with logging? Question: What is the standard way to log uncaught expressions in Flask routes with logging? This nearly works: import logging, sys, flask logging.basicConfig(filename=’test.log’, filemode=’a’, format=’%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s’) sys.excepthook = lambda exctype, value, tb: logging.error("", exc_info=(exctype, value, tb)) logging.warning("hello") app = flask.Flask(‘hello’) @app.route(‘/’) def index(): sjkfq …

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Python default and multi level logging

Python default and multi level logging Question: From what I read and understood, Python logging module by default logs to stderr. If I run this python code: import logging logging.info(‘test’) logging.warning(‘test’) logging.error(‘test’) logging.debug(‘test’) as python main.py 1> stdout.txt 2> stderr.txt I get my logs in stderr.txt and nothing in stdout.txt – my logs are redirected …

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duplication of messages in stderr and stdout python logging

duplication of messages in stderr and stdout python logging Question: I would like to log info and warning level to stdout and error level and above to stderr how can I do it ? code: import os import subprocess from typing import Union import logging import yaml import logging.config with open("logging.conf", "r") as f: config …

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