
How to use MLFlow in a functional style / functional programming?

How to use MLFlow in a functional style / functional programming? Question: Is there a reliable way to use MLFlow in a functional style? As it is not possible to pass the run ID for example to the function which logs a parameter, I wonder whether it is possible to seperate code executed in my …

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ValueError: Enum ErrorCode has no value defined for name '403' in mlflow.set_experiment()

ValueError: Enum ErrorCode has no value defined for name '403' in mlflow.set_experiment() Question: I am trying to run some code to train a model, while logging my results to MLflow on Databricks. I keep getting the following error when I try to make a call to mlflow.set_experiment(), raise ValueError(‘Enum {} has no value defined for …

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Log Any Type of Model in MLflow

Log Any Type of Model in MLflow Question: I am trying to create a wrapper function that allows my Data Scientists to log their models in MLflow. This is what the function looks like, def log_model(self, params, metrics, model, run_name, artifact_path, artifacts=None): with mlflow.start_run(run_name=run_name): run_id = mlflow.active_run().info.run_id mlflow.log_params(params) mlflow.log_metrics(metrics) if model: mlflow.lightgbm.log_model(model, artifact_path=artifact_path) if artifacts: …

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Getting Bad request while searching run in mlflow

Getting Bad request while searching run in mlflow Question: Training a ml model with mlflow in azure environment. import mlflow from mlflow import MlflowClient from azureml.core import Experiment, Workspace experiment_name = ‘housing-lin-mlflow’ experiment = Experiment(ws, experiment_name) runs = mlflow.search_runs(experiment_ids=[ ]) While fetching runs from search_runs getting this error : RestException: BAD_REQUEST: For input string: …

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Set run description programmatically in mlflow

Set run description programmatically in mlflow Question: Similar to this question, I’d like to edit/set the description of a run via code, instead of editing it via UI. To clarify, I don’t want to set the description of my entire experiment, only of a single run. Asked By: waykiki || Source Answers: There are two …

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MLFlow tracking ui not showing experiments on local machine (laptop)

MLFlow tracking ui not showing experiments on local machine (laptop) Question: I am a beginner in mlflow and was trying to set it up locally using Anaconda 3. I have created a new environment in anaconda and install mlflow and sklearn in it. Now I am using jupyter notebook to run my sample code for …

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How can I save more metadata on an MLFlow model

How can I save more metadata on an MLFlow model Question: I am trying to save a model to MLFlow, but as I have a custom prediction pipeline to retrieve data, I need to save extra metadata into the model. I tried using my custom signature class, which It does the job correctly and saves …

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MLFlow projects; bash: python: command not found

MLFlow projects; bash: python: command not found Question: I’m running MLflow Project for a model using following command from my ubuntu 20.04 terminal mlflow run . –no-conda -P alpha=0.5 My system doesn’t have conda or python (It does however have python3). So, I added alias for python using terminal alias python=’python3′ After which I could …

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How to set a tag at the experiment level in MLFlow

How to set a tag at the experiment level in MLFlow Question: I can see that an experiment in MLFlow can have tags (like runs can have tags). I’m able to set a run’s tag using mlflow.set_tag, but how do I set it for an experiment? Asked By: Nestor || Source Answers: If you look …

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MLflow S3UploadFailedError: Failed to upload

MLflow S3UploadFailedError: Failed to upload Question: I’ve created with docker a MinioS3 artifact storage and a MySQL backend storage using the next Docker Compose: version: ‘3.8’ services: db: environment: – MYSQL_DATABASE=${MYSQL_DATABASE} – MYSQL_USER=${MYSQL_USER} – MYSQL_PASSWORD=${MYSQL_PASSWORD} – MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} expose: – ‘3306’ volumes: – ‘(path)/server_backend:/var/lib/mysql ‘ image: ‘mysql’ container_name: db storage: environment: – MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=${MINIO_USR} – MINIO_SECRET_KEY=${MINIO_PASS} expose: …

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