
Log Pickle files as a part of Mlflow run

Log Pickle files as a part of Mlflow run Question: I am running an MLflow experiment as a part of it I would like to log a few artifacts as a python pickle. Ex: Trying out different categorical encoders, so wanted to log the encoder objects as a pickle file. Is there a way to …

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Use mlflow to serve a custom python model for scoring

Use mlflow to serve a custom python model for scoring Question: I am using Python code generated from an ML software with mlflow to read a data frame, perform some table operations and output a data frame. I am able to run the code successfully and save the new data frame as an artifact. However, …

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get the run id for an mlflow experiment with the name?

get the run id for an mlflow experiment with the name? Question: I currently created an experiment in mlflow and created multiple runs in the experiment. from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error import mlflow experiment_name="experiment-1" mlflow.set_experiment(experiment_name) no_of_trees=[100,200,300] depths=[2,3,4] for trees in no_of_trees: for depth in depths: with mlflow.start_run() as run: model=RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=trees, criterion=’mse’,max_depth=depth), …

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How to fix Artifacts not showing in MLflow UI

How to fix Artifacts not showing in MLflow UI Question: I’d used MLflow and logged parameters using the function below (from pydataberlin). def train(alpha=0.5, l1_ratio=0.5): # train a model with given parameters warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") np.random.seed(40) # Read the wine-quality csv file (make sure you’re running this from the root of MLflow!) data_path = "data/wine-quality.csv" train_x, train_y, …

Total answers: 6

How Do You "Permanently" Delete An Experiment In Mlflow?

How Do You "Permanently" Delete An Experiment In Mlflow? Question: Permanent deletion of an experiment isn’t documented anywhere. I’m using Mlflow w/ backend postgres db Here’s what I’ve run: client = MlflowClient(tracking_uri=server) client.delete_experiment(1) This deletes the the experiment, but when I run a new experiment with the same name as the one I just deleted, …

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Is there a way to get log the descriptive stats of a dataset using MLflow?

Is there a way to get log the descriptive stats of a dataset using MLflow? Question: Is there a way to get log the descriptive stats of a dataset using MLflow? If any could you please share the details? Asked By: Naga Budigam || Source Answers: Generally speaking you can log arbitrary output from your …

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