
set NaN values in pandas dataframe to 1

set NaN values in pandas dataframe to 1 Question: I have a large pandas dataframe and am struggling to set NaN values of specific columns to 1. The column types for the columns I want to work on are below: guests = object, beds = float64, bathrooms = float64, bedrooms = object. I have tried …

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Create a land mask from latitude and longitude arrays

Create a land mask from latitude and longitude arrays Question: Given latitude and longitude arrays, I’m tryin to genereate a land_mask, an array of the same size that tells whether a coordinate is land or not. lon=np.random.uniform(0,150,size=[1000,1000]) lat=np.random.uniform(-90,90,size=[1000,1000]) from global_land_mask import globe land_mask=globe.is_land(lat,lon) This is a very efficient method to create land mask if all …

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drop a dictionary with nan value

drop a dictionary with nan value Question: I have the following dictionary: my_dict = {‘fields’: [‘id’: 1.0, ‘name’: ‘aaa’, ‘type’: ‘string’}, {‘id’: 3.0, ‘name’: ‘eee’, ‘type’: ‘string’}, {‘id’: nan, ‘name’: ‘bbb’, ‘type’: ‘string’}, {‘id’: 4.0, ‘name’: ‘ccc’, ‘type’: ‘string’}, {‘id’: nan, ‘name’: ‘ddd’, ‘type’: ‘string’}], ‘type’: ‘struct’ } From this dictionary, I would like to …

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How to detect #N/A in a data frame (data taken from xlsx file) using pandas?

How to detect #N/A in a data frame (data taken from xlsx file) using pandas? Question: The blank cells with no data can be checked with: if pd.isna(dataframe.loc[index_name, column_name] == True) but if the cell has #N/A, the above command does not work nor dataframe.loc[index, column_name] == ‘#N/A’. On reading that cell, it shows NaN, …

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Why does `np.sum([-np.Inf, +np.Inf])` warn about "invalid value encountered in reduce"

Why does `np.sum([-np.Inf, +np.Inf])` warn about "invalid value encountered in reduce" Question: python -c "import numpy as np; print(np.sum([-np.Inf, +np.Inf]))" gives RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in reduce return ufunc.reduce(obj, axis, dtype, out, **passkwargs) nan I wonder why that is: There is no warning in python -c "import numpy as np; print(np.sum([-np.Inf, -np.Inf]))" nor in …

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TypeError: cannot subtract DatetimeArray from ndarray when using time stamp data

TypeError: cannot subtract DatetimeArray from ndarray when using time stamp data Question: I am trying to calculate the number of days between two columns where each column stored as a TimeStamp object and contain NaN values. When I try to make the calculation, I am receiving TypeError: cannot subtract DatetimeArray from ndarray error. My question …

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Iterating through all values of df to replace zero values

Iterating through all values of df to replace zero values Question: I want to iterate through all values of a df so that if it detects some zero, I can replace that specific element with the mean of the adjacent columns. I tried this code but I dont know why isnt working. Somebody can help …

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How to type hint pandas.NA as a possible output

How to type hint pandas.NA as a possible output Question: I have Pandas lambda function which I use with .apply. This function will output a dictionary with string keys and values that are either strings or pd.NA. When I try to type hint the function I get an error: def _the_function(x: str) -> dict[str, str …

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