
Read a Txt File Without Newlines n in Python

Read a Txt File Without Newlines n in Python Question: Get txt File content Without the n or t ; here is the code: pos = requests.get(url,headers=headers) print("content-type: text/htmlnn") print(pos.content) Output: nn some text here some text here nn some text here some text here nn Asked By: Jav Ll || Source Answers: When you …

Total answers: 2

Why we need a carriage return r before the new line character n?

Why we need a carriage return r before the new line character n? Question: In the following code the HTTP protocol needs two newline character but what is the need of the r there. Why can’t we just add two n and send the request? import socket mysock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) mysock.connect((“”,80)) cmd = ‘GET …

Total answers: 2

Is there a way to make a forloop identify it's about to end?

Is there a way to make a forloop identify it's about to end? Question: Given this code: columns = 12 num = 0 for num in range(0, columns+1): print(f"{num:>5d}", end=" ") How can I let the for loop know that this is the last time it will run, so that I can add a newline …

Total answers: 1

How to make a new line in django messages.error

How to make a new line in django messages.error Question: I have a line of my code messages.error(request, (‘ERROR: upload failed. Try again’)) popping up a message in my template upload failed. Try again But I want to get a new line after the point, like: upload failed. Try again How do I get that? …

Total answers: 2

Regex problem searching through a pyperclip multipleline copied text

Regex problem searching through a pyperclip multipleline copied text Question: Happens to me a rare thing when trying to do a search with regex trough a pyperclip.paste() if the search expression involves a n new line character. Excuse my English. When the search, I make it trough this triple quote assigned to a text variable: …

Total answers: 1

How to use newline 'n' in f-string to format output in Python 3.6?

How can I use newline 'n' in an f-string to format output? Question: I tried this code: names = [‘Adam’, ‘Bob’, ‘Cyril’] text = f"Winners are:n{‘n’.join(names)}" print(text) However, ” cannot be used inside the {…} expression portions of an f-string. How can I make it work? The result should be: Winners are: Adam Bob Cyril …

Total answers: 7

jinja2 how to remove trailing newline

jinja2 how to remove trailing newline Question: I’m using jinja 2 to output a yaml file but can’t seem to get rid of a trailing newline and the end of a for loop. Eg the below – request: path: {{ path }} headers: origin: ‘’ user-agent: ‘agent’ referer: ‘’ authority: ‘’ querystring: {% for key, …

Total answers: 6

Automatically add newline on save in PyCharm?

Automatically add newline on save in PyCharm? Question: PyCharm 5 complains of a missing newline at the end of the file: How do I tell PyCharm to add the newline (if missing) automatically whenever I save a file? Asked By: Markus Meskanen || Source Answers: What I usually do is I create a macro to …

Total answers: 6

Print "n" or newline characters as part of the output on terminal

Print "n" or newline characters as part of the output on terminal Question: I’m running Python on terminal Given a string string = “abcdn” I’d like to print it somehow so that the newline characters ‘n’ in abcdn would be visible rather than go to the next line Can I do this without having to …

Total answers: 4

How to insert newline in python logging?

How to insert newline in python logging? Question: import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=’%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s’, datefmt=’%H:%M:%S’)‘hello’) logging.warning(‘n new hello’) 11:15:01 INFO hello 11:16:49 WARNING  new hello Because the log is crowded, I want to explicitly insert a newline before asctime and levelname. Is this possible without modifying format? I looked into logging module and googled …

Total answers: 12