
Access other field of currently logged user In domain in Action window Odoo13

Access other field of currently logged user In domain in Action window Odoo13 Question: I have a domain in window action. I want to filter the data by this domain, and I need to acccees another field of currently logged user some like this (uid.branch_ids.ids) and use this field in the domain. I don’t know …

Total answers: 1

No module named 'importlib.metadata'

No module named 'importlib.metadata' Question: I’m trying to install Odoo 15.0 on mac (python 3.7) when i come to run the command: pip3 install -r requirements.txt I got this error message: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/opt/[email protected]/bin/pip3", line 10, in <module> from importlib.metadata import distribution ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘importlib.metadata’ Asked By: Omri Maher …

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ValueError: Compute method failed to assign (Python3 odoo)

ValueError: Compute method failed to assign (Python3 odoo) Question: There are three compute functions in my code. But I got the error. Odoo Server Error Traceback (most recent call last): File "/vagrant/odoo/odoo/addons/base/models/ir_http.py", line 237, in _dispatch result = request.dispatch() File "/vagrant/odoo/odoo/http.py", line 682, in dispatch result = self._call_function(**self.params) File "/vagrant/odoo/odoo/http.py", line 358, in _call_function return …

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How to open one2many record in current window, not a popup in odoo V13

How to open one2many record in current window, not a popup in odoo V13 Question: I searched through the old forums and didn’t find any decent answers. Is it possible to click on a record in a one2many list and have it open the full page, rather than just the popup? If yes, where else …

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ORM in odoo framework

ORM in odoo framework Question: How to change the below sql query to ODOO orm select max(dnddate) from ink where id = 23 and type= ‘h’ and kar not in ("5") group by customer; Asked By: user13416491 || Source Answers: To create your query using Odoo ORM, we should use the read_group function. inks = …

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How to force remove records form lines in odoo?

How to force remove records form lines in odoo? Question: something wrong happened in account moves as adding an analytic account to journal items of vendor bills and I need to loop on all lines in account moves and remove the analytic account from all lines by this bit of code class NewModule(models.Model): _inherit = …

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How to align fields in tree view odoo?

How to align fields in tree view odoo? Question: I have a tree view with two columns. The first column’s text (Numero) is aligned to right and the second is aligned to left. Why is that happening? How can I align the text of the first column to the left? This is the code of …

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Odoo: search_count do not show archived record

Odoo: search_count do not show archived record Question: I have a button called job_count which links jobs to equipment. It is only showing active records of job, But, I want to show the count of all the active as well as an archived record of jobs associated with equipment. Please help. def _get_job_count(self): for record …

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Odoo cannot find PyPDF2

Odoo cannot find PyPDF2 Question: I have been trying to install odoo on my ubuntu 20.04 lts. Here is the error I’ve got raitis@raitis-VirtualBox:~$ sudo systemctl start odoo13 raitis@raitis-VirtualBox:~$ sudo systemctl status odoo13 ● odoo13.service – Odoo13 Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/odoo13.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2020-05-07 20:51:28 EEST; 2s ago …

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What is the use of slug in odoo

What is the use of slug in odoo Question: What is slug and why it is used. I’m confused with it. Can anyone help me on it. Thanx <p><a t-attf-href=”/academy/{{ slug(teacher) }}”> <t t-esc=”teacher.name”/></a> Asked By: Ravi Singh || Source Answers: I think it works for removing special characters from a string. In addons>web>static>lib>underscore.string.js slugify: …

Total answers: 3