
Capturing output from Powershell command and saving it in a variable

Capturing output from Powershell command and saving it in a variable Question: I keep trying to run this piece of code but everytime I print, it seems to net me nothing in regards to what I see with my output. p = subprocess.run(["powershell.exe", "C://Users//xxxxx//Documents//betterNetstatOut.ps1"], shell=True, capture_output=True, text=True) output = p.stdout print(output) My PowerShell command is …

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Unable to input while trying to call a Python Script using PowerShell on a Remote Server

Unable to input while trying to call a Python Script using PowerShell on a Remote Server Question: I have a Python Script as shown below stored in a remote computer. print("hello") a=input("d") print(a) Im trying to execute this script from my local machine through PowerShell using Invoke-Command as shown below. Invoke-Command -computername COMP1 -credential COMP1user …

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run powershell as administrator from python

run powershell as administrator from python Question: I have a PowerShell script which look like this: # Define time for report (default is 1 day) $startDate = (get-date).AddDays(-10) # Store successful logon events from security logs with the specified dates and workstation/IP in an array # foreach ($DC in $DCs){ # $slogonevents = Get-Eventlog -LogName …

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Make Python Subprocess Run in PowerShell

Make Python Subprocess Run in PowerShell Question: I’m trying to get the wireless debugging port of ADB in my Android, using the command here: & "D:ToolsNmapnmap.exe" -T4 -p 37000-44000 | Where-Object {$_ -match "tcp open"} | ForEach-Object {$_.split("/")[0]} And I would like to make a Python script for further purposes: ip = ‘’ nmap_path …

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How to run powershell script from python

How to run powershell script from python Question: how i can run my PS script from Python? $StartDate = (Get-Date).adddays(-1).tostring("dd/MM/yyyy",$LocaleRU) $Machine = "name" $Events = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{Logname = "ForwardedEvents"; ID = 4740; StartTime=$StartDate;} -ComputerName $Machine # -MaxEvents 5 foreach ($event in $Events) { [xml]$Xml = $event.ToXml() $login=$xml.Event.EventData.Data.’#text'[0] $hostName = $xml.Event.EventData.Data.’#text'[1] write-host "$login;$hostName" } I …

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Moving multiple specific folders on windows

Moving multiple specific folders on windows Question: I have a list of multiple specific directories that I would like to move to another folder on Windows. The list is stored in a txt.file which contains the paths of these directories: "C:/Path/to/my/folder1/" "C:/Path/to/my/folder4/" "C:/Path/to/my/folder9/" I would like to move all these folders including there subfolders to …

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What is the encoding of CompletedProcess.stdout coming from Powershell/Windows in Python?

What is the encoding of CompletedProcess.stdout coming from Powershell/Windows in Python? Question: I am getting this output from a ping request started from Python with subprocess.run(): >>> process.stdout b"rnEnvoi d’une requx88te ‘ping’ sur www.google.fr [] avec 32 octets de donnx82esxff:rnRx82ponse de octets=32 temps=39 ms TTL=110rnRx82ponse de octets=32 temps=46 ms TTL=110rnRx82ponse de octets=32 …

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Is there any Powershell module similar to Python prettytable?

Is there any Powershell module similar to Python prettytable? Question: In python we have prettytable module for easily displaying tabular data in a visually appealing ASCII table format. +———–+——+————+—————–+ | City name | Area | Population | Annual Rainfall | +———–+——+————+—————–+ | Adelaide | 1295 | 1158259 | 600.5 | | Brisbane | 5905 | …

Total answers: 2