
How to compile Tkinter as an executable for MacOS?

How to compile Tkinter as an executable for MacOS? Question: I’m trying to compile a Tkinter app as an executable for MacOs. I tried to use py2app and pyinstaller. I almost succeed using py2app, but it returns the following error: Traceback The Info.plist file must have a PyRuntimeLocations array containing string values for preferred Python …

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mysql.connector.errors.NotSupportedError: Authentication plugin 'mysql_native_password' is not supported only with pyinstaller exe

mysql.connector.errors.NotSupportedError: Authentication plugin 'mysql_native_password' is not supported only with pyinstaller exe Question: I am fighting to find a solution for my problem: When I start my Python application in my IDE, the database connection is working fine. But when I build an exe with pyinstaller with the following command python3 -m PyInstaller and start …

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Cannot create .exe with pyinstaller from .py with torchaudio (CPU): AttributeError: '_OpNamespace' 'torchaudio' object has no attribute 'cuda_version'

Cannot create .exe with pyinstaller from .py with torchaudio (CPU): AttributeError: '_OpNamespace' 'torchaudio' object has no attribute 'cuda_version' Question: I have a .py script that uses torchaudio (without GPU) to process some sound in Windows. To distribute it, I’ve used pyinstaller to turn it into a .exe. You can reproduce the issue with this simple …

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PyInstaller failing to build exe — cannot find pyproj.libs

PyInstaller failing to build exe — cannot find pyproj.libs Question: Here’s the traceback: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 5, in <module> File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1007, in _find_and_load File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 986, in _find_and_load_unlocked File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 680, in _load_unlocked File "", line 499, in exec_module File "", line 1, …

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QtMultimedia is not currently supported on this platform or compiler. PyInstaller

QtMultimedia is not currently supported on this platform or compiler. PyInstaller Question: I’m using PyInstaller v5.6.2. I prescribe pyinstaller, after which I add the necessary files to mp3pyqt6.spec, updating the pyinstaller mp3pyqt6.spec command. The console that comes with the application says: could not load multimedia backend "" QtMultimedia is not currently supported on this …

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get the path of the executed file once "compiled" with pyinstaller

get the path of the executed file once "compiled" with pyinstaller Question: I know there are a lot of answers on this subject, but no one works once you compile a script in an executable. In my python script, I create a file within the same directory of the script. to get the path of …

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using pyinstaller keep the fonts on all systems

using pyinstaller keep the fonts on all systems Question: I made a GUI using tkinter. I created onefile exe with pyinstaller, but seted font (font = freesans.ttf) is not applied to other computers. I think I need to adddata a font, but I don’t understand the answers of pygame or pyqt in cases similar to …

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pyinstaller does not support importing kivy screen with exec

pyinstaller does not support importing kivy screen with exec Question: I have a kivymd app designed using the lazy loading method (all the screens and their kv files are placed in different folders so that they can be called when the user needs them using exec and eval, something similar to these projects kitchensink and …

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PyInstaller Exe behaves differently to script

PyInstaller Exe behaves differently to script Question: Aight so I’m getting a user input from a secondary window using customtkinter. When running the script from MSCode everything works fine. The User inputs into the CTkEntry widget. The textvariable properly assigns value. This value is accessed elsewhere. However, when I use pyinstaller to create an .exe …

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