
problem to install pyproject.toml dependencies with pip

problem to install pyproject.toml dependencies with pip Question: I have an old project created with poetry. The pyproject.toml create by poetry is the following: [tool.poetry] name = "Dota2Learning" version = "0.3.0" description = "Statistics and Machine Learning for your Dota2 Games." license = "MIT" readme = "" homepage = "Coming soon…" repository = "" documentation …

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Package Publishing (Python) failing through Poetry

Package Publishing (Python) failing through Poetry Question: I am new to this, trying to publish a package to using Poetry package. on my local the build is working, I am able to import the package test run it, it’s all good. but when I try to publish it to, I get below error …

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Can I get Poetry to reinstall ipykernel after installing ipywidgets?

Can I get Poetry to reinstall ipykernel after installing ipywidgets? Question: I’m developing a Python package. I used Poetry to set up my development environment; I intend to distribute my code through PyPI. One of my dependencies requires ipywidgets<7.7.2, as documented here. Due to a bug (mentioned here), ipykernel must be reinstalled after ipywidgets is …

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Pyright can't see Poetry dependencies

Pyright can't see Poetry dependencies Question: In a poetry project the local dependencies are installed in the ~/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/ folder. Pyright in nvim is complaining that import package lines can’t be resolved. What should I include into pyproject.toml? Or how to show pyright the path to the dependencies? Thanks My pyrightconfig.json looks like this: { "venvPath": …

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Pip install a package in a way that it gets not listed in requirements.txt

Pip install a package in a way that it gets not listed in requirements.txt Question: Is it possible to install a pip package in a way so that it gets not listed when doing pip freeze > requirements.txt? I am thinkging of an equivalent to: poetry add –dev which adds (installs) a package as a …

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How to create a deployable Python Lamba zip using Poetry

How to create a deployable Python Lamba zip using Poetry Question: I’ve been spending a few days trying to figure out how best to build a Python Lambda bundle when using Poetry. I found a few blogs that that outline the same technique but those didn’t work in my situation. The solution provided in the …

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Could not find poetry-1.2.2-linux.sha256sum file

Could not find poetry-1.2.2-linux.sha256sum file Question: I am trying to update my version of Poetry to 1.2.*, but when running poetry self update I get the error Could not find poetry-1.2.2-linux.sha256sum file… I can’t figure out how to try and update Poetry to an earlier version for which hopefully the checksum exists. Asked By: Harry …

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pyenv: poetry itself, running on older python version, what to do?

pyenv: poetry itself, running on older python version, what to do? Question: Update: Which Python should I use to install poetry? System Python: That is an excellent idea. Once, however, poetry self update was trying to update a system package without the necessary permissions. Pyenv: A good solution. Nonetheless, if Python is updated and the …

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Poetry configuration is invalid – Additional properties are not allowed ('group' was unexpected)

Poetry configuration is invalid – Additional properties are not allowed ('group' was unexpected) Question: Recently, I faced this issue with Poetry. All my commands using poetry were failing with the following error. RuntimeError The Poetry configuration is invalid: – Additional properties are not allowed (‘group’ was unexpected) Asked By: Roopak A Nelliat || Source Answers: …

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poetry install – ParseConstraintError Could not parse version constraint: install ERROR

poetry install – ParseConstraintError Could not parse version constraint: install ERROR Question: I am working with python poetry, to know about it refer. While installing it I didnt get any issue, command. Poetry was able to install the packages, however it was getting stuck in between. I tried to do multiple solutions present on the …

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