
Keep only two digits after the first digit other than zero

Keep only two digits after the first digit other than zero Question: I know how to keep only two decimal places after the decimal point. For example (there are other methods): >>> print(f'{10000.01908223295211791992:.2f}’) 10000.02 But I want to keep the first two digits other than zero after the decimal point: 10000.01908223295211791992 will give: 10000.019 0.0000456576578765 …

Total answers: 4

Maximizing Multiplier Based on Precision in Python

Maximizing Multiplier Based on Precision in Python Question: Given the following equation: x / y = z Where the precision of x is 5 and the precision of z is 8, given the following values of x, y: from decimal import Decimal x = Decimal(‘15.00000’) y = Decimal(‘81.63’) x_prec = 5 z_prec = 8 z_unrounded …

Total answers: 2

How to round numbers in place in a string in python

How to round numbers in place in a string in python Question: I’d like to take some numbers that are in a string in python, round them to 2 decimal spots in place and return them. So for example if there is: "The values in this string are 245.783634 and the other value is: 25.21694" …

Total answers: 6

How to round down a datetime to the nearest 5 Minutes?

How to round down a datetime to the nearest 5 Minutes? Question: I need a Python3 function that rounds down a datetime.datetime object to the nearest 5 minutes. Yes, this has been discussed in previous SO posts here and here and even here, but I’m having no luck implementing their solutions. NOTE: I can not …

Total answers: 3

Rounding a float number in python

Rounding a float number in python Question: I have a float numer a = 1.263597 I hope get b = 1.2635 But when I try round (a,4) then result is 1.2636 What should I do? Asked By: duy dang || Source Answers: Try math.floor with this small modification – import math def floor_rounded(n,d): return math.floor(n*10**d)/10**d …

Total answers: 3

How can I round a string made of numbers efficiently using Python?

How can I round a string made of numbers efficiently using Python? Question: Using Python 3… I’ve written code that rounds the values for ArcGIS symbology labels. The label is given as a string like "0.3324 – 0.6631". My reproducible code is… label = "0.3324 – 0.6631" label_list = [] label_split = label.split(" – ") …

Total answers: 2

Round decimals of numbers in Python

Round decimals of numbers in Python Question: I have a list, each row contains 4 floats (should represent a bounding box) [[7.426758, 47.398349, 7.850835593464796, 47.68617800490421], [7.850835593464796, 47.398349, 8.274913186929592, 47.68617800490421], [8.274913186929592, 47.398349, 8.698990780394388, 47.68617800490421]] I would like to round each float to 6 decimal places. I tried to round the numbers using pandas, but it also …

Total answers: 1

Can I round a PANDAS dataframe column in the same line that I edit the column?

Can I round a PANDAS dataframe column in the same line that I edit the column? Question: Using Python 3.9 Using PANDAS, I’m trying to convert a column from feet to meters and then round the answer to three decimals. I currently have this: df[‘col_m’] = df[col_f] * 0.3048 df[‘col_m’] = df[‘col_m’].round(3) It gets the …

Total answers: 1

Why im getting 2 different results on the same seed number?

Why im getting 2 different results on the same seed number? Question: I tried two different ways to get a coin flip result, seeding the RNG first in order to get reproducible results. First, I tried using random.randint: import random random.seed(23412) flip = random.randint(0,1) if flip == 0: print("Tails") else: print("Heads") For this seed, I …

Total answers: 2