
How to increment duplicate time axis

How to increment duplicate time axis Question: I have a pd.DataFrame which has duplicate time in its index. Example: from datetime import datetime import pandas as pd time_index = [ datetime(2017, 1, 1, 0, 4, 1, 80000), datetime(2017, 1, 1, 0, 4, 1, 80000), datetime(2017, 1, 1, 0, 4, 1, 80000), datetime(2017, 1, 1, 0, …

Total answers: 1

Pandas Cumcount() over multiple columns

Pandas Cumcount() over multiple columns Question: I have a dataframe that looks like this: data = {‘exercise’: [‘squat’, ‘squat’, ‘squat’, ‘squat’, ‘bench’, ‘bench’, ‘bench’, ‘bench’, ‘squat’, ‘squat’, ‘squat’, ‘squat’, ‘bench’, ‘bench’, ‘bench’, ‘bench’], ‘session’: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], ‘weight’: [100, 100, 120, 120, …

Total answers: 3

Adding Counter on Duplicate Keys for Merging

Adding Counter on Duplicate Keys for Merging Question: I created a key for merging. Unfortunately, there are some duplicate keys. But I need to keep these rows. I am thinking that for each set of duplicate keys, I can just add counting number 1, 2, 3 and so on to each of the duplicate keys …

Total answers: 1

How to create rank column in Python based on other columns

How to create rank column in Python based on other columns Question: I have a python dataframe that looks like the following: This dataframe has been sorted in descending order by ‘transaction_count’. I want to create another column in that dataframe called ‘rank’ that contains the count of occurrences of cust_ID. My desired output would …

Total answers: 2

find equal time and incrementally add a constant

find equal time and incrementally add a constant Question: I have a dataframe df containing some timestamps df[‘Date’].values Out[16]: array([‘2015-03-25T14:36:39.199994000’, ‘2015-03-25T14:36:39.199994000’, ‘2015-03-26T10:05:03.699999000’, ‘2015-04-19T16:01:49.680009000’, ‘2015-04-19T16:36:10.040007000’, ‘2015-04-19T16:36:10.040007000’, ‘2015-04-19T16:36:10.040007000′], dtype=’datetime64[ns]’) As you can see the first and the second timestamps are equal, but also the last 3. I would like to scan the dataframe and if there are …

Total answers: 1

Sort by column and append counter using pandas

Sort by column and append counter using pandas Question: I have a large data frame (>1m rows, 10+ cols) that I need to do the following to: Group by two of the columns (A & B in example) Sort within the grouping by another column (C in example) Append an incremental counter to another column, …

Total answers: 2

Count duplicate rows and fill in column

Count duplicate rows and fill in column Question: I have created a DataFrame, and now need to count each duplicate row (by for example df[‘Gender’]. Suppose Gender ‘Male’ occurs twice and Female three times, I need this column to be made: Gender Occurrence Male 1 Male 2 Female 1 Female 2 Female 3 Is there …

Total answers: 1