
Processing large files in chunks: inconsistent seek with readline

Processing large files in chunks: inconsistent seek with readline Question: I am trying to read and process a large file in chunks with Python. I am following this blog that proposes a very fast way of reading and processing large chunks of data spread over multiple processes. I have only slightly updated the existing code, …

Total answers: 4

Explanation about def rewind(f):

Explanation about def rewind(f): Question: i was reading a book and there was a code which had a this line in it def rewind(f): and this is a line that i can’t understand can you please explain me what is going on ? from sys import argv script, input_file = argv def print_all(f): …

Total answers: 3

How to delete only the content of file in python

How to delete only the content of file in python Question: I have a temporary file with some content and a python script generating some output to this file. I want this to repeat N times, so I need to reuse that file (actually array of files). I’m deleting the whole content, so the temp …

Total answers: 5