
using testing.assert_series_equal when series are not in the same order

using testing.assert_series_equal when series are not in the same order Question: I have two series that are equal but in different order. data1 = np.array([‘1′,’2′,’3′,’4′,’5′,’6’]) data2=np.array([‘6′,’2′,’4′,’3′,’1′,’5′]) sr1 = pd.Series(data1) sr2=pd.Series(data2) the two series are outputs of different functions and I’m testing if they are equal: pd.testing.assert_series_equal(sr1,sr2,check_names=False) This is failing of course because the two series …

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How to manipulate Pandas Series without changing the given Original?

How to manipulate Pandas Series without changing the given Original? Question: Context I have a method that takes a Pandas Series of categorial Data and returns it as an indexed version. However, I think my implementation is also modifying the given Series, not just returning a modified new Series. I also get the following Errors: …

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How to count the occurrences of a column's value in a column of lists?

How to count the occurrences of a column's value in a column of lists? Question: Consider the following dataframe: column_of_lists scalar_col 0 [100, 200, 300] 100 1 [100, 200, 200] 200 2 [300, 500] 300 3 [100, 100] 200 The desired output would be a Series, representing how many times the scalar value of scalar_col …

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How can i get the size of a pandas Series?

How can i get the size of a pandas Series? Question: I have a pandas series test set y_test. I want to get its size for statistics. Using this code : print(y_test.shape) I get (31054,) I want to get 31054 Asked By: SLA || Source Answers: Use len or Series.size: y_test = pd.Series(range(20)) print(len(y_test)) 20 …

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What is the fastest way to filter a pandas time series?

What is the fastest way to filter a pandas time series? Question: What is the fastest way to filter a pandas time series? For now I use boolean masking to filter the time series ts: import time from datetime import datetime import pandas as pd import statistics # create time series idx = pd.date_range(start=’2022-01-01′, end=’2023-01-01′, …

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Pandas : Confused when extending DataFrame vs Series (Column/Index). Why the difference?

Pandas : Confused when extending DataFrame vs Series (Column/Index). Why the difference? Question: First off, let me say that I’ve already looked over various responses to similar questions, but so far, none of them has really made it clear to me why (or why not) the Series and DataFrame methodologies are different. Also, some of …

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Update series values with a difference of 1

Update series values with a difference of 1 Question: I have a certain series on in dataframe. df=pd.DataFrame() df[‘yMax’] = [127, 300, 300, 322, 322, 322, 322, 344, 344, 344, 366, 366, 367, 367, 367, 388, 388, 388, 388, 389, 389, 402, 403, 403, 403] For values very close to one another, say, with a …

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Why pandas deprecation of iteritems() is influencing the pd.DataFrame().columns?

Why pandas deprecation of iteritems() is influencing the pd.DataFrame().columns? Question: I have a code that is using pandas everywhere. In various instances, wheather I am using Series or just calling .columns method, I receive this warning: C:Program FilesJetBrainsPyCharm Community Edition FutureWarning: iteritems is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use .items …

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Convert pandas series of dictionary to numbers

Convert pandas series of dictionary to numbers Question: The following series contains a string of dictionaries of key values. Split the list into columns a and column b in such a way that column a and column b will be 0 if the list is empty else, 1. Input: list = ["{‘a’: [], ‘b’: []}", …

Total answers: 2