
How to write CSV output to stdout?

How to write CSV output to stdout? Question: I know I can write a CSV file with something like: with open(‘some.csv’, ‘w’, newline=”) as f: How would I instead write that output to stdout? Asked By: jsf80238 || Source Answers: sys.stdout is a file object corresponding to the program’s standard output. You can use its …

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How to silence in python

How to silence in python Question: When I want to fit some model in python, I often use fit() method in statsmodels. And some cases I write a script for automating fitting: import statsmodels.formula.api as smf import pandas as pd df = pd.read_csv(‘mydata.csv’) # contains column x and y fitted = smf.poisson(‘y ~ x’, …

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Redirecting stdout and stderr to a PyQt4 QTextEdit from a secondary thread

Redirecting stdout and stderr to a PyQt4 QTextEdit from a secondary thread Question: Stack overflow. Once again, I come to you in a time of dire need, teetering precariously on the brink of insanity. This question – as may be evident from the title – is an amalgamation of several other questions I have seen …

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Writing a pytest function for checking the output on console (stdout)

Writing a pytest function for checking the output on console (stdout) Question: This link gives a description how to use pytest for capturing console outputs. I tried on this following simple code, but I get error import sys import pytest def f(name): print "hello "+ name def test_add(capsys): f("Tom") out,err=capsys.readouterr() assert out=="hello Tom" test_add(sys.stdout) Output: …

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Interactive input/output using Python

Interactive input/output using Python Question: I have a program that interacts with the user (acts like a shell), and I want to run it using the Python subprocess module interactively. That means, I want the possibility to write to standard input and immediately get the output from standard output. I tried many solutions offered here, …

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Python: How to get stdout after running os.system?

Python: How to get stdout after running os.system? Question: I want to get the stdout in a variable after running the os.system call. Lets take this line as an example: batcmd=”dir” result = os.system(batcmd) result will contain the error code (stderr 0 under Windows or 1 under some linux for the above example). How can …

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How to open every file in a folder

How to open every file in a folder Question: I have a python script, which in the script open a file, say file1, and then do something maybe print out the total number of characters. filename = ‘file1’ f = open(filename, ‘r’) content = print filename, len(content) Right now, I am using stdout …

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How to capture stdout output from a Python function call?

How to capture stdout output from a Python function call? Question: I’m using a Python library that does something to an object do_something(my_object) and changes it. While doing so, it prints some statistics to stdout, and I’d like to get a grip on this information. The proper solution would be to change do_something() to return …

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Python – reset stdout to normal, after previously redirecting it to a file

Python – reset stdout to normal, after previously redirecting it to a file Question: At the beginning of my python program I have the following line: sys.stdout = open(‘stdout_file’, ‘w’) Halfway through my program I would like to set stdout back to the normal stdout. How do I do this? Asked By: tadasajon || Source …

Total answers: 4