
Is tkwait wait_variable/wait_window/wait_visibility broken?

Is tkwait wait_variable/wait_window/wait_visibility broken? Question: I recently started to use tkwait casually and noticed that some functionality only works under special conditions. For example: import tkinter as tk def w(seconds): dummy = tk.Toplevel(root) dummy.title(seconds) dummy.after(seconds*1000, lambda x=dummy: x.destroy()) dummy.wait_window(dummy) print(seconds) root = tk.Tk() for i in [5,2,10]: w(i) root.mainloop() The code above works just fine …

Total answers: 1

How to handle a WM_ENDSESSION in tkinter?

How to handle a WM_ENDSESSION in tkinter? Question: I’m having trouble figuring out how to receive the WM_ENDSESSION window manager message in Tkinter, that is supposed to be sent to the top-level window during system shutdown. I am aware of everything that comes with trying to run extra code during shutdown, however in my case …

Total answers: 4

Exhaustive documentaion for tkinter filedialog.askdirectory

Exhaustive documentaion for tkinter filedialog.askdirectory Question: I am using tkinter filedialogue.askdirectory() and want to know what options I can enter in. The python documentation just has **options with no description of what options are valid. In general, I have found tkdocs useful but, for filedialogue they don’t mention any options. Something like Java’s javadocs are …

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local machine _tkinter.TclError: couldn't connect to display ":0"

local machine _tkinter.TclError: couldn't connect to display ":0" Question: TLTR: Getting the following error while trying to display tkinter app on my local laptop (running Pop_OS!) _tkinter.TclError: couldn’t connect to display ":0" Hello world, First off: Im new to posting questions here so bear with me. If something about my questioning isn’t right please tell …

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Python embeddable zip: install Tkinter

Python embeddable zip: install Tkinter Question: Python embeddable zip comes without pip and Tkinter. It is easy to install pip with in the embeddable zip. How can we install Tkinter too (assuming we do not have an existing Python installation in the same machine)? Asked By: antonio || Source Answers: Assuming you are on …

Total answers: 3

List of All Tkinter Events

List of All Tkinter Events Question: In Python tkinter module, <Button-1>, <Button-2> and <Button-3> are used to identify mouse button clicks for left, middle and right buttons respectively. Likewise, <KeyPress-Return> is used for the return key press. Where can I find a list of all such events, including the names for the various keyboard keys? …

Total answers: 3

How to Call TCL Procedure using Python

How to Call TCL Procedure using Python Question: Using below code i can able to call all procedure in the Proc.tcl file ,but i want to call individually the procs like sum or sub ,Please let me know any other possibility to call it My proc file program, puts “hello” proc sum {a b} { …

Total answers: 7

How to set border color of certain Tkinter widgets?

How to set border color of certain Tkinter widgets? Question: I’m trying to change the background color of my Tkinter app, but for certain widgets it leaves a white border around the edges. For example, this: from tkinter import * COLOR = “black” root = Tk() root.config(bg=COLOR) button = Button(text=”button”, bg=COLOR) button.pack(padx=5, pady=5) entry = …

Total answers: 2