
leaving Anaconda environment in Terminal (Mac)

leaving Anaconda environment in Terminal (Mac) Question: I recently installed Anaconda on my Mac for starting to code with Python using Spyder, but decided to switch to VSCode (without starting Anaconda) which I find less confusing (I’m a casual coder). However, every time I open Terminal now on my Mac, the prompt starts with "(base)" …

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"command not found: python" each time I open the Terminal

"command not found: python" each time I open the Terminal Question: I’m on an M1 Mac. Each time I enter a python command in Terminal, I get "command not found: python". To fix this, I can enter eval "$(pyenv init –path)". How can I use Python without having to first run the eval line above …

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Issues installing ueberzug on macos

Issues installing ueberzug on macos Question: I’ve been using the lf file manager lately and wanted to try setting up ueberzug as my previewer. However, getting ueberzug to install and run properly on my mac has been a real issue. Is it perhaps that I’m missing some dependencies, like X11 or some other library? I’d …

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Import Error: Missing optional dependecy 'openpyxl.'

Import Error: Missing optional dependecy 'openpyxl.' Question: I am familiar with using pip to install Python packages but there is no way to install it in the environment I am working in. We have to call the directory with python.exe to run any Python code. Therefore, it is impossible to use pip install because, since …

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Reloading python terminal after user input with a new output

Reloading python terminal after user input with a new output Question: I would like to create simple terminal app where user will have 4 choices. 3 numbers and one function that will create new 3 numbers and then create new terminal with newly created numbers. I tried terminal libraries , putting function into dictionary or …

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How to get the terminal full history

How to get the terminal full history Question: I am trying to save everything my python app printed in the cmd, every solution I found was to get the response of a command line using Popen from Subprocess; what I want is to get everything. Is there a built-in function for this purpose? or should …

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Getting user input while a timer is counting and updating the console

Getting user input while a timer is counting and updating the console Question: I have a count-up/count-down timer library, and I’ve written some demo code that kicks off an instance of its main class, and updates the console as it counts down. When the timer expires, it displays a message to that effect. The demo …

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How do I color a string in python terminal?

How do I color a string in python terminal? Question: I am trying to color only a single variable in Python 3, however whenever I run the code, the sring gets colored in my terminal, but then everything else after that is colored too. I am trying to do it without any imports. Here’s my …

Total answers: 3