
Walrus operator in dict declaration

Walrus operator in dict declaration Question: I want to use the walrus operator in a dictionary declaration. However the : is propably causing a problem. I have a dictionary declaration nested in a list comprehension, but I don’t want to decompose it into a simple for-loop (that would be a lazy answer). Is it even …

Total answers: 2

Python Walrus Operator in While Loops

Python Walrus Operator in While Loops Question: I’m trying to understand the walrus assignment operator. Classic while loop breaks when condition is reassigned to False within the loop. x = True while x: print(‘hello’) x = False Why doesn’t this work using the walrus operator? It ignores the reassignment of x producing an infinite loop. …

Total answers: 2

What is the correct syntax for Walrus operator with ternary operator?

What is the correct syntax for Walrus operator with ternary operator? Question: Looking at Python-Dev and StackOverflow, Python’s ternary operator equivalent is: a if condition else b Looking at PEP-572 and StackOverflow, I understand what Walrus operator is: := Now I’m trying to to combine the "walrus operator’s assignment" and "ternary operator’s conditional check" into …

Total answers: 2