
Using a single websocket for a multiple clients

Using a single websocket for a multiple clients Question: I’ve never used before websockets neither web workers and everything around that. Obviously, I’m lost and I don’t know how to make it properly. I’ve learned how to make a websocket and leave it working in a server port successfully. As well, load a web worker …

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Python: imitate WebSocket connection as if comming from Browser

Python: imitate WebSocket connection as if comming from Browser Question: I am trying to automate an interaction with a game website by communicating with a WebSocket via Python. In particular, I am trying to communicate with the WebSocket at: "wss://socket.colonist.io". If I simply execute the following JS-code from the browser, I receive the incoming messages …

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Reconnect to a websocket server if a condition is met

Reconnect to a websocket server if a condition is met Question: I want to stream real-time data of the order book of BTC/USD using a WebSocket connection to the FTX Exchange. After the first snapshot of the order book, the WebSocket returns updates that I apply to my local reconstructed order book. To ensure that …

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TypeError: AsyncConsumer.__call__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'send

TypeError: AsyncConsumer.__call__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'send Question: Well I am using channels as WebSocket and redis as storage to build chat application in Django.so to accomplish connection between the websocketconsumer with asgi file. I am trying to run the django server on windows but I am getting the following error, help me. Error …

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Why a dockerized script have a different behaviour when I docker run or I docker execute it?

Why a dockerized script have a different behaviour when I docker run or I docker execute it? Question: I’m using a python script for send websocket notification, as suggested here. The script is _wsdump.py and I have a script script.sh that is: #!/bin/sh set -o allexport . /root/.env set env python3 /utils/_wsdump.py "wss://mywebsocketserver:3000/message" -t "message" …

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Plotly Dash, No module named 'dash_extensions.websockets'

Plotly Dash, No module named 'dash_extensions.websockets' Question: I have a problem with running my Dash application. Error: from dash_extensions.websockets import run_server ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘dash_extensions.websockets’ Additional info: six months earlier such a problem wasn’t presented (last code modification was 30 March and all worked!) but now after some pause I tried to run the …

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Python Websockets handles one time use only

Python Websockets handles one time use only Question: I want to make a python code that browsers can connect to get a video stream. Problem is that my python code handles only one time use, meaning if you open the browser it will connect to that websocket correctly, but if you refresh the page, or …

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Websocket notifications in django

Websocket notifications in django Question: I am implementing web socket notifications into my Django project and am having trouble with passing the user the the amount of unread notifications that they currently have. My solution to this problem was to simply send all objects in the notification model class to the user once they connected …

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Python websocket-client reconnect after server restart

Python websocket-client reconnect after server restart Question: I want to implement a client-server application with Python(client) and Spring Boot(Server) over websockets. I want client to try to connect server even if it is stopped, has network problems etc. import time from threading import Thread, Event import rel import stomper import websocket import logging class ClientSocket: …

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