
How do I Wrap Text in PySimpleGUI Table Headings

How do I Wrap Text in PySimpleGUI Table Headings Question: I have created a PySimpeGUI table using the following code: import pandas as pd import PySimpleGUI as sg df = pd.read_csv(‘C:/Data/dummydata.csv’) data = df.values.tolist() headings = df.columns.tolist() def main(): layout = [sg.Table(values=data, headings=headings, auto_size_columns=True, display_row_numbers=False, num_rows = len(data), enable_events=True, justification=’left’, key=’_TABLE_’, vertical_scroll_only = False)], window …

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Line wrap long `python -c` command to be < 80-chars

Line wrap long `python -c` command to be < 80-chars Question: I have a Python two-liner to set an environment variable, which I run in bash: ENV_VAR=$(python -c "from some_package import some_long_command; print(some_long_command())") In bash, one can use to line wrap long commands. I am looking for an equivalent within python -c. Is there some …

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Text wrapping works only for vertical labels in matplotlib

Text wrapping works only for vertical labels in matplotlib Question: Consider the following plot, where we plot the same data into panel A with vertical labels and into panel B with horizontal labels using text wrapping. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x = "Very long label" y = "Even much longer label" z = "Now this …

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How to read/print the ( _io.TextIOWrapper) data?

How to read/print the ( _io.TextIOWrapper) data? Question: With the following code I want to > open a file > read the contents and strip the non-required lines > then write the data to the file and also read the file for downstream analyses. with open(“chr2_head25.gtf”, ‘r’) as f, open(‘test_output.txt’, ‘w+’) as f2: for lines …

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python wrap text and reportlab

python wrap text and reportlab Question: I have a little code and I would like to wrap my long string in every 10th character and then add it into a PDF using reportlab: This is how I try: text = ‘*long_text_long_text_long_text_long_text*’ text = “n”.join(wrap(text, 10)) canvas.drawString(5,227, text) My pdf was created but where I want …

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How to wrap text in Django admin(set column width)

How to wrap text in Django admin(set column width) Question: I have a model Item class Item(models.Model): id = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True) title = models.CharField(max_length=140, blank=True) description = models.TextField(blank=True) price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=12, decimal_places=2, blank=True, null=True) and my model admin class ItemAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = [‘item_view’, ‘description’, ‘item_price’, ‘seller_view’, ‘added_on’] actions = [‘add_to_staff_picks’] search_fields = (‘description’, ‘title’) def item_view(self, …

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Printing with indentation in python

Printing with indentation in python Question: is there a way to print the following, print user + “:tt” + message so that lengthy messages that are wider than the length of the terminal always wraps (starts from the same position) ? so for example this Username: LEFTLEFTLEFTLEFTLEFTLEFTLEFT RIGHTRIGHTRIGHT should become Username: LEFTLEFTLEFTLEFTLEFTLEFTLEFT RIGHTRIGHTRIGHT Asked By: …

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Python: Indent all lines of a string except first while preserving linebreaks?

Python: Indent all lines of a string except first while preserving linebreaks? Question: I want to indent all lines of a multi-line string except the first, without wrapping the text. For example, I want to turn: A very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long mutiline …

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A good way to make long strings wrap to newline?

A good way to make long strings wrap to newline? Question: In my project, I have a bunch of strings that are read in from a file. Most of them, when printed in the command console, exceed 80 characters in length and wrap around, looking ugly. I want to be able to have Python read …

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Remove characters before and including _ in python 2.7

Remove characters before and including _ in python 2.7 Question: The following code returns into a nice readable output. def add_line_remove_special(ta_from,endstatus,*args,**kwargs): try: ta_to = ta_from.copyta(status=endstatus) infile = botslib.opendata(ta_from.filename,’r’) tofile = botslib.opendata(str(ta_to.idta),’wb’) start = infile.readline() import textwrap lines= “rn”.join(textwrap.wrap(start, 640)) tofile.write(lines) infile.close() tofile.close() This is the output, now I would like to remove all the characters …

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