
Pandas Openpyxl error "<class 'openpyxl.styles.fills.Fill'>

Pandas Openpyxl error "<class 'openpyxl.styles.fills.Fill'> Question: I’m getting this error while loading a downloaded .xlsx file from a website TypeError: expected "<class ‘openpyxl.styles.fills.Fill’> I saw some solutions here, but they are telling me to resave the file manually, which is not an option for more than 10.000 files. It is a normal .xlsx file without …

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This operation is not supported for this document – Sheets API

This operation is not supported for this document – Sheets API Question: (<class ‘googleapiclient.errors.HttpError’>, <HttpError 400 when requesting https://sheets.googleapis.com/v4/spreadsheets/1IcMY2TNLYZtGyKO_zcrhP1MudNFXbNdM/values/P%C3%A1gina1%21A%3AP?alt=json returned "This operation is not supported for this document">, <traceback object at 0x7fbb3dc3bec0>) I am getting this error message when accessing a spreadsheet in Google Sheets, I know that the error occurs because it is hosted …

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Python dictionary to columns in xlsx

Python dictionary to columns in xlsx Question: I want to export a dictionary with the following format: {’66’: 74, ’62’: 32, ’69’: 18, ’72’: 14, ’64’: 37, ‘192’: 60, ’51’: 70, ’46’: 42, ‘129’: 7, ’85’: 24, ’83’: 73, ’65’: 14, ’87’: 28, ‘185’: 233, ‘171’: 7, ‘176’: 127, ’89’: 42, ’80’: 32, ‘5’: 54, …

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Reading .xlsx file from a bytestring

Reading .xlsx file from a bytestring Question: I’m trying to read an attached .xlsx file from an e-mail. I have been able to retrieve an email.message.Message type which has a part of type application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet. I should be able to read it using file = part.get_payload(decode=True) Which gives me a bytes object starting with b’PKx03x04x14x00x06x00x08x00x00x00!x00x93xe11xb6x93x01x00x003x07x00x00x13x00 I …

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How can I get the RGB value of a given cell in a xlsx file using python?

How can I get the RGB value of a given cell in a xlsx file using python? Question: Given a row and a column (plus sheet name) I need a way to extract the rgb value for a cell, as reported within excel, from a python script. I’ve been using openpyxl. The following do not …

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How can I see the formulas of an excel spreadsheet in pandas / python?

How can I see the formulas of an excel spreadsheet in pandas / python? Question: I would like to read in an excel spreadsheet to python / pandas, but have the formulae instead of the cell results. For example, if cell A1 is 25, and cell B1 is =A1, I would like my dataframe to …

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Horizontal text alignment in openpyxl

Horizontal text alignment in openpyxl Question: I’m trying to change the text alignment to the center of 2 merged cells. I’ve found some answers that didn’t work for my case: currentCell = ws.cell(‘A1’) currentCell.style.alignment.horizontal = ‘center’ #TypeError: cannot set horizontal attribute #or currentCell.style.alignment.vertical = Alignment.HORIZONTAL_CENTER #AttributeError: type object ‘Alignment’ has no attribute ‘HORIZONTAL_CENTER’ both didn’t …

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Using Pandas to pd.read_excel() for multiple worksheets of the same workbook

Using Pandas to pd.read_excel() for multiple worksheets of the same workbook Question: I have a large spreadsheet file (.xlsx) that I’m processing using python pandas. It happens that I need data from two tabs (sheets) in that large file. One of the tabs has a ton of data and the other is just a few …

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Python convert csv to xlsx

Python convert csv to xlsx Question: In this post there is a Python example to convert from csv to xls. However, my file has more than 65536 rows so xls does not work. If I name the file xlsx it doesnt make a difference. Is there a Python package to convert to xlsx? Asked By: …

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Django: openpyxl saving workbook as attachment

Django: openpyxl saving workbook as attachment Question: Hi I have a quick question. I didn’t find answer in internet maybe someone of you can help me. So i want to save workbook as attachment but I don’t know how lets see an example : from openpyxl import Workbook from openpyxl.cell import get_column_letter wb = Workbook(encoding=’utf-8′) …

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