"select" on multiple Python multiprocessing Queues?


What’s the best way to wait (without spinning) until something is available in either one of two (multiprocessing) Queues, where both reside on the same system?

Asked By: cdleary



You could use something like the Observer pattern, wherein Queue subscribers are notified of state changes.

In this case, you could have your worker thread designated as a listener on each queue, and whenever it receives a ready signal, it can work on the new item, otherwise sleep.

Answered By: uniquesnowflake8

It doesn’t look like there’s an official way to handle this yet. Or at least, not based on this:

You could try something like what this post is doing — accessing the underlying pipe filehandles:

and then use select.

Answered By: ars

Seems like using threads which forward incoming items to a single Queue which you then wait on is a practical choice when using multiprocessing in a platform independent manner.

Avoiding the threads requires either handling low-level pipes/FDs which is both platform specific and not easy to handle consistently with the higher-level API.

Or you would need Queues with the ability to set callbacks which i think are the proper higher level interface to go for. I.e. you would write something like:

  singlequeue = Queue()

Maybe the multiprocessing package could grow this API but it’s not there yet. The concept works well with py.execnet which uses the term “channel” instead of “queues”, see here http://tinyurl.com/nmtr4w

Answered By: hpk42

Actually you can use multiprocessing.Queue objects in select.select. i.e.

que = multiprocessing.Queue()
(input,[],[]) = select.select([que._reader],[],[])

would select que only if it is ready to be read from.

No documentation about it though. I was reading the source code of the multiprocessing.queue library (at linux it’s usually sth like /usr/lib/python2.6/multiprocessing/queue.py) to find it out.

With Queue.Queue I didn’t have found any smart way to do this (and I would really love to).

Answered By: Jakub Chromiak

Not sure how well the select on a multiprocessing queue works on windows. As select on windows listens for sockets and not file handles, I suspect there could be problems.

My answer is to make a thread to listen to each queue in a blocking fashion, and to put the results all into a single queue listened to by the main thread, essentially multiplexing the individual queues into a single one.

My code for doing this is:

Allow multiple queues to be waited upon.

queue,value = multiq.select(list_of_queues)
import queue
import threading

class queue_reader(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self,inq,sharedq):
        self.inq = inq
        self.sharedq = sharedq
    def run(self):
        while True:
            data = self.inq.get()
            print ("thread reads data=",data)
            result = (self.inq,data)

class multi_queue(queue.Queue):
    def __init__(self,list_of_queues):
        for q in list_of_queues:
            qr = queue_reader(q,self)

def select(list_of_queues):
    outq = queue.Queue()
    for q in list_of_queues:
        qr = queue_reader(q,outq)
    return outq.get()

The following test routine shows how to use it:

import multiq
import queue

q1 = queue.Queue()
q2 = queue.Queue()

q3 = multiq.multi_queue([q1,q2])


while not res==4:
    while not q3.empty():
        res = q3.get()[1]
        print ("returning result =",res)

Hope this helps.

Tony Wallace

Answered By: Tony Wallace

New version of above code…

Not sure how well the select on a multiprocessing queue works on windows. As select on windows listens for sockets and not file handles, I suspect there could be problems.

My answer is to make a thread to listen to each queue in a blocking fashion, and to put the results all into a single queue listened to by the main thread, essentially multiplexing the individual queues into a single one.

My code for doing this is:

Allow multiple queues to be waited upon.

An EndOfQueueMarker marks a queue as
    "all data sent on this queue".
When this marker has been accessed on
all input threads, this marker is returned
by the multi_queue.

import queue
import threading

class EndOfQueueMarker:
    def __str___(self):
        return "End of data marker"

class queue_reader(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self,inq,sharedq):
        self.inq = inq
        self.sharedq = sharedq
    def run(self):
        q_run = True
        while q_run:
            data = self.inq.get()
            result = (self.inq,data)
            if data is EndOfQueueMarker:
                q_run = False

class multi_queue(queue.Queue):
    def __init__(self,list_of_queues):
        self.qList = list_of_queues
        self.qrList = []
        for q in list_of_queues:
            qr = queue_reader(q,self)
    def get(self,blocking=True,timeout=None):
        res = []
        while len(res)==0:
            if len(self.qList)==0:
                res = (self,EndOfQueueMarker)
                res = queue.Queue.get(self,blocking,timeout)
                if res[1] is EndOfQueueMarker:
                    res = []
        return res

    def join(self):
        for qr in self.qrList:

def select(list_of_queues):
    outq = queue.Queue()
    for q in list_of_queues:
        qr = queue_reader(q,outq)
    return outq.get()

The follow code is my test routine to show how it works:

import multiq
import queue

q1 = queue.Queue()
q2 = queue.Queue()

q3 = multiq.multi_queue([q1,q2])

have_data = True
while have_data:
    res = q3.get()[1]
    print ("returning result =",res)
    have_data = not(res==multiq.EndOfQueueMarker)
Answered By: Tony Wallace

Don’t do it.

Put a header on the messages and send them to a common queue. This simplifies the code and will be cleaner overall.

Answered By: Mike

As of Python 3.3 you can use multiprocessing.connection.wait to wait on multiple Queue._reader objects at once.

Answered By: Daniel Salvadori

The one situation where I’m usually tempted to multiplex multiple queues is when each queue corresponds to a different type of message that requires a different handler. You can’t just pull from one queue because if it isn’t the type of message you want, you need to put it back.

However, in this case, each handler is essentially a separate consumer, which makes it an a multi-producer, multi-consumer problem. Fortunately, even in this case you still don’t need to block on multiple queues. You can create different thread/process for each handler, with each handler having its own queue. Basically, you can just break it into multiple instances of a multi-producer, single-consumer problem.

The only situation I can think of where you would have to wait on multiple queues is if you were forced to put multiple handlers in the same thread/process. In that case, I would restructure it by creating a queue for my main thread, spawning a thread for each handler, and have the handlers communicate with the main thread using the main queue. Each handler could then have a separate queue for its unique type of message.

Answered By: gstacko