
Excel cell list showing as string in Python

Excel cell list showing as string in Python Question: I have a excel table, in which I have a column as below. Which is label list from JIRA I would like to take each cell value as a list by running a for loop. For example: List=[‘[Engineering]’,'[Non-Engineering]’] Then I will use it to update my …

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Matplotlib – Add value label on bar chart from column in dataframe

Matplotlib – Add value label on bar chart from column in dataframe Question: I have the following df (test2): Department Assignment Status Overdue Percentage 2 Business Services Overdue 393 2.05 5 Operations Overdue 4651 3.67 8 Quality Assurance Overdue 650 2.16 11 Quality Control Overdue 1046 2.43 14 R&D Operations Overdue 1645 2.53 I want …

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Python Sentiment Analysis given a dataset with Facebook Posts

Python Sentiment Analysis given a dataset with Facebook Posts Question: I have a dataset containing raw facebook posts and comments. What I would like to do is to perform sentiment analysis with Python 3 (NTLK ?) in order to label each post and each comment against some categories (a sort of clustering in unsupervised mode). …

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Python – add labels in scatter_geo

Python – add labels in scatter_geo Question: I need to add static labels on markers in scatter_geo vizualization. I added text=’data’, but nothing had happend: import as px import pandas as pd rows=[[‘501-600′,’15’,’122.58333′,’45.36667′], [’till 500′,’4′,’12.5′,’27.5′], [‘more 1001′,’41’,’-115.53333′,’38.08′], ] colmns=[‘bins’,’data’,’longitude’,’latitude’] df=pd.DataFrame(data=rows, columns=colmns) df = df.astype({“data”: int}) fig=px.scatter_geo(df,lon=’longitude’, lat=’latitude’, color=’bins’, text=’data’, opacity=0.5,size=’data’, projection=”natural earth”) …

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Remove number under barcode and write text in python 3

Remove number under barcode and write text in python 3 Question: I was trying to generate some bar-code (using python-barcode) with product info I successfully generate bar-code but Not to remove under code and write my own text My code: import barcode from barcode.writer import ImageWriter barCode = “00000016901011900000” barCodeImage = barcode.get(‘Code128’, barCode, writer=ImageWriter())“one”) …

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python matplotlib increase bar label font size

python matplotlib increase bar label font size Question: I have a subplot which may include different stacked bar charts. I want to increase the font size of the bar label as it is appearing small. for ex. in, … label=’…’, …) I want the font size of what is set to label to be …

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Getting empty tick labels before showing a plot in Matplotlib

Getting empty tick labels before showing a plot in Matplotlib Question: I’m experiencing a similar issue to the one reported here. I don’t understand why the tick label text is an empty string: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,100) y = np.sin(x)**2 fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(x,y) labels = ax.get_xticklabels() …

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Kivy – Black screen error in label

Kivy – Black screen error in label Question: I created a label in kivy which contains a lot of information. It comes under a scrollview widget hence becoming a scrollable label. But since it has a lot of information it turns black and doesn’t display anything. Also it has text with font roboto and size …

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